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February 2025



Guide To Shopping For Men

This seems obvious but you’d be surprised how many men don’t know how to pick a proper fitting suit. Print this out and clue your male friends, bfs, husbands, fathers, brothers, etc in!

Read the rest of Esquires Guide To Shopping article for more tips

How To Cheat On A Test Using A Coke Bottle

First off, girlrobot does not condone cheating…

but this is so clever! (Click the image for the full resolution webpage)

I’m Boring

I think ever since we got this house my google reader is full of house bookmarks….I have about 10 bookmarks alone about how to clean my house lol. So yeah I have nothing really interesting to write about so here are some videos:

This is one of those videos that I keep for down days. It immediately makes me laugh. Her face is priceless!!

NFL player running against a normal person

I would hate to see what I would look like if I was the “normal person”

Phillippines Got Talent contestant sings a duet by himself:


Everyone has seen this video by now but in case you haven’t:

Proof Of Time Travel?!

Notice anything weird in this photo?

“Reopening of the South Fork Bridge after flood in Nov. 1940. 1941 (?)”

Yup…there’s a TIME TRAVELER in that photo! And no…there was no photoshop involved!

That picture actually appears in an online exhibit for a Canadian museum!

Well, turns out someone on the internet did the research and is able to explain all of the oddities of the photo. I still think he looks way out of place though…hmmm….

100 Home Remedies

I’m all about trying home remedies..usually they don’t work but you never know! hehe. I am definitely going to try these next time I am sick, especially when I get those coughs that never go away!

Garlic for insects and mosquitoes: Eating lots of garlic can keep insects and mosquitoes from biting and stinging.

Leg cramps: Drink V-8, tonic water, or eat yellow mustard to stop leg cramps.

Sore throat: Gargle 1 teaspoon of vinegar with an 8 ounce glass of warm water to treat a sore throat.

Aloe and honey: Treat a dry cough with aloe and honey.

Licorice for cough: Use licorice root as a treatment for cough.

Chocolate for cough: Eat dark chocolate to relieve a sore throat and coughing.

Garlic and honey for cough: Mix garlic, honey, and lemon juice together to cure your cough.

Remove splinters: Put glue over your splinter, let it dry, then peel and the splinter will stick to the glue

Lemonade kidney stone prevention: Cut down on kidney stones with the help of lemons.

Read the rest here.

Free Lonely Planet Guides For The iPhone

Lonely Planet is holding a Volcano Relief Sale on their iPhone apps!! You have until tomorrow to download these so get them while they are free. They are regularly $15.99. These are so much more convenient than lugging the books around on your travels. I dled Paris, London, Rome, Vienna, Moscow, Barcelona and Amsterdam…but there are 5 more available. See the full list here. Now I have the travel bug!!!!

Recycling Rules

Did you know Earth Day is coming up? It’s in a few days on April 22nd! Ever since we got the house, I’ve been trying to be much more environmentally friendly. Not only for the earth but for our own health. From cleaning products to the food we eat to our laundry detergent…i am trying to go natural whenever possible! I have also started using reusable bags more and more and of course now that we have our own recycling bin, i try to sort out our trash to recycle whatever I can. Sometimes we have doubts about what can or cannot be recycled though. Here is what I’ve learned:

– recycle all cardboard and plastic but only if they are clean (ie. no food stains!). Depending on your recycling center they might also want the tape removed but staples are ok
– recycle all paper but not the ones that are shiny/glossy. we get SO many ads at our new house and I thought we would be able to recycle them but half of them are on that shiny paper. Boo on those retailers! This is also true for a lot of the packaging for foods and snacks like chip bags
– do not recycle lids/caps on drink bottles….this was such a surprise for me but they are not recyclable so it’s best to remove before recycling
– napkins, paper towels, and tissue are usually too contaminated to recycle so don’t bother tossing them in

I may make another post this week about my favorite natural products, cleaners, and tips for going green. I know it may seem like the “fad” right now but it really is the right thing to do and I think everyone should get excited about this upcoming Earth Day and thinking about how we can all contribute!

Health And Fitness Tips From A Trainer

This article written by a personal trainer was such an interesting read for me that I thought I would share. Here are the ones I thought were most interesting:

Most people do not lift heavy enough to make stronger muscles.

It’s never too late to build muscle….and is more important as we grow older.

If you eat whole foods that have been around for 1000s of years, you probably don’t have to worry about counting calories

If I had to pick one sport for a child to start with it would be gymnastics, the strength/speed/balance/body control they will learn can be applied to any sport down the road.

There is no such thing as spot reduction…but there is a great business in selling that concept (Ab-reclining chair anyone?)

The fittest people I know keep active daily doing what they enjoy

The best performance enhancing thing I know of….is a cup of coffee 30min before a workout/playing sports.

Many brain functions may be vastly improved with a diet of no sugar/higher fats (esp DHA from fish/fish oil)

Breakfast is not the most important meal of the day

Eating 6x a day provides no metabolic advantage for losing weight than 2-3x a day…it’s still about calories and blood sugar/insulin control

The smartest trainer I know does not have a website or best selling ebook….as he is too busy training real clients

Apple Cider Vinegar is the only medicine I take if I feel sick

I think I really need to invest in a personal trainer. I looked into it before my wedding but couldn’t justify the cost. A year has gone by since I had my knee problems and I am still unable to run, walk up or down stairs without pain, or even kneel to grab something from the floor. I’ve actually, more often than not, used my knees as an excuse to pretty much not exercise at all! It’s so sad and really bad for my health. I am still young and after reading this article, it’s motivating me to do something about it before it’s really too late! :(

Friday Links

Street furniture – furniture you can skate on!
hunch twitter predictor game – it guessed all but 1 right for me but some of them seemed obvious
They make apps – app makers for hire…I wonder how much it costs?
Photojojo’s ultimate hipstamatic guide – lists every possible combo for this iphone app…pretty cool!
The difference between a hipster, scenester, and hippie – so accurate
The happy meal is ageless – um this kind of scares me.
Record setters – an awesome collection of photos from The Big Picture of random record setters.

Why Are Kids So Mean?/Why Bullies Suck

There has been an onslaught of news about bullies in school. Reading these stories makes me truly sick to my stomach because honestly I’ve never witnessed such horrible kids in real life. Maybe it was because I grew up in Oklahoma, but I think my school was pretty nice. Sure there were the unpopular kids/loners but I don’t remember anyone beating them up…they were mostly just left alone and hung out with their own friends. It was hard reading some of these stories and thinking of one day having kids myself and having to worry about this. I’d like to share some of the stories I’ve been reading in hopes that we raise awareness about bullying in schools. I honestly think parents play a huge role in how their kids treat other people. I think it’s so important to just have respect for others…even if they are different from you. And to tell kids that bullying is so not ok.

The first story I read about was actually a blogger that I regularly read. She was forced to move because her daughter was getting bullied at school. I’m so happy to read that she will be moving to Oklahoma…from what I remember of growing up there….it is full of very friendly people! I was very much a minority there being an Asian but I don’t remember experiencing discrimination even once. Maybe I was just lucky but since moving out to LA, I witness discrimination much more out here.

Then I read the story of Phoebe Prince who committed suicide because she was bullied at school. She was only 15 years old. And to make matters worse, read what a mother of one of the bullies has to say. With parents like these of course there are bullies! They are telling their kids it’s ok to exchange mean words because that’s what kids do. At least she didn’t outright tell her to “harm herself”, right?

And lastly, this story has been gaining a lot of attention simply because of the absurdity of it all. First it came out that a high school actually canceled their prom because one of their students was a lesbian and wanted to bring her gf and wear a tuxedo (which was forbidden!). Then it turns out the parents of the students made their own prom and set up a “fake prom” for the lesbian student to attend with 5 other students (2 which had learning disabilities). The REST of the school went to the other prom set up by the parents. I. CAN. NOT. BELIEVE. THIS.

Not one single student told her the truth. Thank god she is graduating and can leave that horrible, backasswards town. I know that not everyone agrees with homosexuality but there is a level of decency that we should all have for each other as human beings.

All of these stories made me so sad…and the worst part is it seems like these bullies don’t even care what they did. For example, after Phoebe (2nd story) committed suicide, the bullies set up a facebook page called “we murdered phoebe prince” and how proud they were. uh??????? Are these kids even human???