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February 2025



Latest Palin Interview

As I’ve said before, I’m not really into politics but it’s just been so entertaining watching the McCain/Palin campaign. With every interview Palin does I feel worse and worse for her. I now see why they are limiting her access to reporters. With each question she answers (or actually doesn’t answer), it’s becoming more apparent that she has NO IDEA what she is even talking about half of the time. It’s so embarassing! Please America, don’t vote for this!

If you don’t want to watch the video, check out the excerpt highlighted on the america blog.

Watch CBS Videos Online

Avoid White Rabbit Candy

omg! This sucks. White Rabbit milk candy supposedly has melamine in it.

I thought this deserved its own post because everybody loves White Rabbit milk candy!! Or at least my asian friends hehe.

Museum Day

It’s that time of the year again…Museum Day! Its this Saturday and to view a list of participating museums click here. I clicked on California and there are tons of museums listed. All for free! All you have to do is print out an admission card here. Museums I would recommend:

California Science Center
– I have a thing for science museums. They’re always so fun!
Museum of Tolerance – I haven’t had a chance to check out this museum but I’ve heard it’s really interesting. (It’s focused on the holocaust and human rights)
Watts Towers Arts Centers – It’s in a seedy part of town but so worth it! I went with some friends awhile back. It’s amazing to see the towers that were built out of scraps and trash. Then afterwards go eat some yummy soul food.

LeBron James Gets Beat In Horse

I’ve had a history of playing horse with boyrobot since our early days so this game has always had a special place in my heart. This guy who beat Lebron James is AMAZING! I especially love the trick he won the contest with in the warehouse.

Monday Brain Dump: Writing Laziness & Exiled

Today was a super lazy day. I didn’t interact with anyone and did not even leave my condo. I don’t think I uttered a single word today which is a weird feeling. BUT I’ve been working on a lot of wedding stuff. Mostly researching vendors and contacting them for price quotes. I’ve also almost finished our website. Now we just need to finalize our Save The Dates. When I get back, I have to meet with our possible future MC, florist, and hair/makeup person. Sigh.

With all of this wedding planning, I feel like I haven’t had time to give as much attention to all of my blogs. It’s taken all I can muster just to keep this one updated daily as best I can. It does help seeing my RSS feed number finally break 100 though! :)

One last note, has anyone seen that new MTV show Exiled? It’s a show about the Sweet Sixteen girls getting sent to some far off place, being on their own, and having to do actual work. The episode I saw, the girl got to go to the Artic Circle in Norway and be a reindeer herder. She got to learn how to ride a snowmobile, go ice fishing, and see the reindeer migration. The whole time she was whining and all I could think was what an AMAZING, once in a life time experience! Where do I sign up? I actually looked into it and turns out only 14 people are invited to go on this awesome trek a year: Saami Reindeer Migration. Very cool!

Friday Links

The 70 coolest free applications in existence – some very useful links in there!
10 math tricks you probably don’t know about – the 11 times trick is pretty cool
Movie landmarks – find where movies were filmed via google maps. very handy if you’re into visiting famous movie landmarks
The strangest disaster of the 20th century – this reminds me of the happening
Bible scenes via satellite – moses parting the red sea is my fave
The cutest slideshow ever of pandas after the earthquake – omg…sooooo cute!!!!!!!!
10 people with unbelievable medical conditions – the boy who never sleeps..totally weird!

From xkcd – a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language

How To Beat Carnival Games

I’m a sucker for carnival games. I know they charge outrageous prices to play and usually the prize isn’t that great. In fact, most of the time I end up throwing them away. I hate stuffed animals! hehe. But it’s just fun trying to win these almost impossible games! And now that I’ve discovered all of these neat tricks to beat carnival games…maybe I’ll have a better chance at winning. My favorite tips:

Rope Ladder

The trick to climbing carnival rope ladders is to completely ignore the “rungs” and only use the outside ropes to climb on.

While applying equal pressure with your right foot and left arm, move your left foot and right arm at the same time. Then do the same thing with the opposite limbs — shimmying yourself up the ladder.

Do not move both hands or both feet at the same time – you will lose your balance.

Guess your weight, age or birth month:

Unless you very over-weight or really don’t look your age, it’s best to go with the birth month. Some carnies still use an old scam for guessing your birth month.

If the carny uses this trick (not all do) they will scribble down something like the image on the right (click on the link to see the image). Does it say Jun, Jul, or Jan? The guesser could claim it be whichever one is closest to your birth month. That wide spread allows the carny to be within 2 months of any month, except one: October.

So if you think you are dealing with a shady operator, always say “October” is your birth month.

BasketBall Free-Throw

You have a lot going against you in this game. The ball is over-inflated, the hoop is smaller than regulation size and often an oval shape rather than circular. The backboard is plywood making it extra bouncy. So forget about throwing a normal free-throw shot.

The key is to use a high arc. Do not try to rebound the shot off the backboard — the ball will always bounce too much. To win this game you must make a perfect swish, no backboard.

Will Draw Anything For $2

If you need a quick little drawing done…this guy will draw anything for $2! I sent in a request of “2 robots in love”…hoping to get something I might be able to use for my wedding. It’s pretty cute huh? And definitely worth $2! Check out his gallery for the other crazy requests people had.

How Long Do Foods Stay Fresh In The Fridge

I’m really paranoid about getting food poisoning as long time readers can attest ha ha. So I’ve been compiling these lists for awhile now. I’m going to print it out and hang this on my fridge (when i have a fridge!)

From the early show:

CHEESE (depending on hard or soft): LASTS 1 – 4 WEEKS

From Food Democracy (also check this link for a bunch of diff types of meats):

Hot dogs & Luncheon Meats: 1 to 2 weeks
Cream cheese: 2 weeks
Sour cream: 7 to 21 days
Yogurt: 7 to 14 days

From my Everyday Food mag:

Ketchup: 6 months
BBQ sauce: 4 months
Salsa: 1 month (fresh salsa will only last 3 days tho)
Pickles: 2 months (store bought kind)
Jam and Jelly: 6 months
Mustard: 1 year

From Real Simple:

Olive oil: 2 years from manufacture date (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
Peanut butter, processed (Jif): Unopened: 2 years, Opened: 6 months; refrigerate after 3 months
Rice, white: 2 years from date on box or date of purchase
Salad dressing, bottled: Unopened: 12 months after “best by” date, Opened: 9 months refrigerated
Soda: Unopened: In cans or glass bottles, 9 months from “best by” date, Opened: Doesn’t spoil, but taste is affected
Steak sauce: 33 months (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
Tabasco: 5 years, stored in a cool, dry place
# Tuna, canned: Unopened: 1 year from purchase date, Opened: 3 to 4 days, not stored in can
Soy sauce, bottled: Unopened: 2 years, Opened: 3 months (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
Vinegar: 42 months
Wine (red, white): Unopened: 3 years from vintage date; 20 to 100 years for fine wines, Opened: 1 week refrigerated and corked

I suggest getting one of those labels you can write on and stick on your food with the day your opened food will go bad!

Chuck Norris Google Search

This is funny. I love how Google has these little tricks/jokes.

Go to
Type in “find chuck norris”.
Click the “I’m feeling lucky” button.