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February 2025



Forget The IPhone, I Want The Nokia N95

Ok well truthfully I want both. But the photographer in me absolutely loves the pictures taken with the n95. Since my main camera now is a little bulkier, it would be so awesome if my cell phone had the same quality as my compact digital camera. I’d always have a camera on hand. Anyways, to see what I’m talking about..check out the n95 photo awards from April/May of this year:

You can also check out the flickr group of this 5MP cell phone camera here.

Brain Dump Mondays: Things On My Plate

– Moving out soon…at the end of this month in fact. Man, I’m going to miss everybody on the west side. I hope living in OC is ok :o/

– Wedding planning…just finished picking out the bridesmaid dresses!! Next step I need to resolve the ceremony location. On the back of my mind: centerpieces, emcee, bachelorette party!

– Cleaning my room/packing. Man, I have so much STUFF. I’m in the process of throwing whatever I can out. I want to just have the “essentials” when I move. This weekend I burned all of my cds (minus about 10 cds that I can’t bring myself to sell) and am in the process of getting rid of them. Does anybody want some free cds? The majority of my cds are from the 90s and range anywhere from Nirvana, Blur, to Red Hot Chili Peppers. Please take these cds off of my hands! If anyone is interested I’ll post some titles.

I think that’s pretty much it. Time for bed!

Friday Links

Interactive Autopsy – a demo of what happens during an autopsy
How to make butter from scratch – didn’t know it was so easy
Down for everyone or just me? – this website is such a great idea since I’m always wondering that when my website is down
Fuel cost calculator – calculates between major cities and includes your car model/make. It costs me $35 bucks to drive to SD!
A culinary scorecard for 30 major baseball stadiums – Yup…avoid the dodger dog
The accuracy of 10 disaster flicks – I still want to watch The Happening despite the bad reviews

On KROQ it said that LA has the highest gas price in America…I’ve seen some that hit $5+. It’s times like these I’m glad I drive a Honda Civic!

Easy Bread Recipes

I haven’t blogged any recipes in awhile! I’m always looking for recipes that are fast and easy. Came across these two via Slashfood.

Super quick and easy thin crust pizza dough
– mmmm, homemade pizza is so great because you can control the toppings!

Blitz Bread – Nothing tastes better than warm, fresh bread! This recipe takes less than 2 hours!! Pretty amazing for any bread. I can’t wait to try this.

Attempting To Achieve Inbox Zero

I have 1,306 emails in my gmail inbox. I’m hoping to achieve Inbox Zero, having zero emails in my inbox. With the practically unlimited email space, I got lazy about upkeeping my mailbox and just let emails pile up. It doesn’t help that I get about 10+ emails a day! Here are some steps I’m going to utilize to help empty and organize my inbox:

1. Start archiving! For the longest time I never even noticed that Gmail has an “archive” button at the top. And when I did notice it, I never wondered what the purpose of that button was. Basically, the archive button will remove emails from the inbox without deleting them. It’s a great way to save those really important emails that you don’t want to delete because you might want to refer to them some day in the future but don’t need to see it every day in your inbox. To view archived emails, you can just click on “All Mail” on the left hand side.

2. Labels. There are a few reasons why I keep emails. Some of them are ideas I have for upcoming post on one of my blogs. I’ve started tagging these emails with their respective blog names. Also, since I’m planning a wedding, a lot of my emails are wedding related that I want to keep for reference and I’ve started tagging these as “wedding”. This makes it so much easier to find emails later on when I need them.

3. Star items that I need to read again or need my attention.

4. Unsubscribe myself from useless websites. When i buy things, they auto subscribe me to their newletters and I get lazy about unsubscribing. There’s no reason for me to keep most of these newsletters so it’s time I take the few seconds to unsubscribe

Hopefully I’ll be able to achieve Inbox Zero sometime this year hehe.

Hook Up Your Home Entertainment Center With Wirewize

This is definitely a website worthy of a bookmark! If you’re setting up your home entertainment center and completely lost with all the different wires and what connects to what, Wirewize can help. You just enter in all of your gadgets and it will spit out which cables you need and how to connect them all. When I finally get a flat screen TV this will be so helpful when I need to hook up my Wii, karaoke system, Apple TV, etc heheh.

Brain Dump Mondays: Still Recovering

Not much to say because I’ve still been recovering from my vacation. It’s very tiring being around family for an extended amount of time. Especially during a stressful time like my sister’s wedding which I am so glad is over! I’m so dreading my own next year. Anyways, I’ve been sleeping pretty early and still feeling sleepy during the day. I even fell asleep during Wall-E when I saw it on Saturday. It was a super cute movie though! I’m completely in love with Wall-E. BTW check out these Wall-E Easter Eggs if you plan on watching the movie.

Anyways regular posting will commence tomorrow!

Back From My Cruise

Comments on my cruise:

1. When you go on a cruise, be prepared to be permanently stuffed. It’s a 24 hour buffet of food and drinks. I would literally finish a meal and look at the schedule only to find out there’s a SUSHI buffet on deck 9 or tea time on deck 10 or a midnight mexican buffet by the pool. How can I pass that up?? So yeah, 70% of the time I was stuffing my face. It was not a pretty sight and I felt pretty gross after the trip.

2. My cousins are SO awesome. I love each one of them in their own little way!!! The trip would not have been as fun if they were not there. I’m glad they got to hang out with boyrobot and get to know him more. My cousin after the trip: “I had no idea M was like that…” Me: “Like what?” My other cousin: “You mean a BIG DORK?” hahah.

3. The workers/waiters on the ship are the best ever. I have never had such great customer service. Everyone always seemed so happy and as if they really loved/enjoyed their job! Our waiter at dinner time was so freaking awesome that we even bought him a bracelet with his name on it from Ensenada. His name is Aristotle!! haha. And the people who cleaned our rooms were so ninja like, we would never see them but whenever we stepped out and came back in, our room would be made up and there would be some crazy towel animal on our bed. WHERE DO THEY FIND THESE AMAZING PEOPLE???????? Loved it!

4. Our favorite part of the cruise? KARAOKE TIME WITH JAY! My biggest regret? Not singing….too bad the last night we were there it was filled with really retarded people. Next time!

5. The worst part of the cruise was the rocking. I didn’t really understand why it would take us 5 hours to sail to Catalina when it’s like 15 minutes from LA. Or why it took us all day to sail back from Ensenada! The last day was pretty rough and people started getting sea sick. It’s like can’t you just anchor the boat down? I don’t think anyone enjoyed the rocking sensation and we’re probably just going in circles killing time anyways!

Anyways, now I’m back and I just got up after sleeping all day trying to catch up on sleep. Happy 4th of July everybody!! I’m so glad I have the weekend to recover before I have to go back to work!

Friday Links

I’ve been super busy and next week I’m going on a cruise so I’m probably going to take a break. See you in a week!

Top 10 things science can’t explain
– the Wow signal has always intrigued me
75 Skills every man should master – i don’t think i know a single guy that has all 75 down
Top 10 new species of 2007 – man, i post too many nerdy science links. bear with me!
Mr T brought a child out of a coma – If you read one story today, let it be this miracle story!
6 word memoirs – i don’t know why but I thought it was entertaining reading through these
Lego patching – some artists went around patching up buildings using legoes!

Smiling dog….so cute!

The ABC’s Of Productive Living

Avoid negative people, negative habits and negative sources of information.
Believe in yourself and your closest confidants.
Create a healthy balance between career, family and social responsibilities.
Dare to be unique and creative.
Enjoy yourself everyday. It’s quite possible there will be no tomorrow.

Some good advice….read the rest here.