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February 2025



100% On Guitar Hero – Raining Blood

I’ve seen a lot of youtube videos of people doing this song but this is the first time I’ve seen 100%. If you play Guitar Hero you know how freaking impressive this is!

Props to this kid!

Brain Dump Mondays: Superdip Party!

This past Sunday we held a Superbowl Superdip party and I have to say it was a success! (btw, congrats to the Giants!!!)

Let’s see if I can remember all of the different types of dips we had: Spinach (one homemade, one store bought), hummus, cheesy jalapeno, cheesy beef, baked brie, corn (I’m not sure what else was in it but it was good!), pineapple salsa, ratatouille, artichoke, and 7 layer dip. I have to say ALL of the dips were delish!!! I love dips. I was sooo full the whole day. Oh yeah, we also had homemade mochi for dessert!

The game was pretty entertaining, especially since the Giants won. I did one of those magic squares bets and I had really good numbers but did not win :( We also did a 10 question proposition bet after the 1st half so that made the 2nd half a lot more exciting to watch. We had questions like which team will score or punt first, etc.

As for the commercials, I was kind of disappointed in most of them but I thought this Coke one was cute!

Anyways, the whole party was a lot of fun. We might have to make this an annual thing!

Friday Links

The voice of Bart Simpson donates $10M to Scientology, that’s twice her yearly salary!! and check out this interesting read on the shady tactics of Scientologists to get tax exempt status
Pictures of the amazing half beard – I had no idea this was a fad
Japanese firm offers “heartache leave” for their employees – I’m more jealous of the time they get off to shop during sales season
ten quirky baseball rules or oddities
The 7 deadly sins of gilligan’s island – interesting theory!
derogatory nicknames for different cities – I couldn’t find one for LA

This picture is awesome. Stephen Hawking in lego form!

Lost Season 4 Episode 1 Trivia

Yay! Lost is back. Best. Show. Ever.

Man, I forgot how awesome this show is. And yes, it is better than Heroes in my opinion. Especially compared to Heroes season 2 which was sorely disappointing.

Some interesting tidbits I dug up about the first episode which btw which completely freaked me out as I’m watching the show BY MYSELF in a hotel room. :( This episode also made me cry hehe. (When Hurley had to tell aussie girl that Charlie was dead)

1. Abbadon is the name of the Oceanic lawyer that visits Hurley in the mental hosptial and also means Satan or destruction in Hebrew.

2. Many people have freeze framed the part of the show with the scary house and say that Jacob = Christan Shepherd (Jack’s dad)! Locke was “the eye” and perhaps the new “leader” on the island?

3. Who are the Oceanic 6 (Hurley, Jack, Kate, ?,?,?) Most theories seem to say that the rest of the people are alive on the island and this is the “secret” they are supposed to be keeping. Something happened on the island that was some sort of betrayal.

I guess we will have watch the rest of the season to find out the answers!!

PS. Here is the link from the commercial they showed for Oceanic Air after the show – Fly Oceanic Air

Fake What If Paparazzi Photos

These pictures are genius. They’re by Alison Jackson.

Bush with rubik’s cube

Bill Gates with his Ipod

Brad shaves Angelina

See larger resolutions and the rest of the pictures here (PS. there are a few that are semi NSFW!)

Speaking of cool pictures/art, check out these made completely out of brown duct tape. Amazing!

Most Expensive Legal Pets To Own

Ever wondered what crazy animals you can actually own? Here’s the top 3:

3. Lavender Albino Python Female
Price Tag: $20000

2. Chimpanzee
Price Tag: $60,000-$65,000

1. White Lion Cubs
Price Tag: $138,000

See the full list here.

$1 Image Stabilizer For Your Camera

Typical Breakfasts By World Regions

Yeah, Wikipedia really does have an entry for everything. Here’s a page listing what a typical breakfast is for each world region. Great for when you are traveling and want to eat what the locals eat.

Typical kaiseki breakfast in Japan

Brain Dump Mondays: The Bucket List

I know I know, that movie The Bucket List looks cheesy, but I love the concept! I’ve decided to add a new category called the “bucket list” which consists of things I want to do. I will continue to add to it from here on out. Most items on my to do list are usually to travel/see something. I want to do a mini-profile on places I discover and add them to my bucket list as a must see!

The Wave, Arizona

I actually can’t believe I’ve been to Arizona several times and completely missed out on this place! I’ve seen Sedona, Grand Canyon, and even Antelope Canyon (which was beautiful by the way!). Thinking about all of these places makes me realize what a scenic state Arizona is! Definitely a must see in the US.

What is it: a sandstone formation on the slopes of the Coyote Buttes in northern Arizona

How to get to there: a 3 mile hike (6 miles roundtrip) with no trails and only 350 ft of elevation (very doable!). Since there are no trails it is best to talk to the park rangers on recommended routes.

Best time to go: early in the morning when it’s cooler and avoid summers where the temperature can reach 100+. yeah, I remember the heat in Arizona is unbearable! Some say October is the best month when there is light rain and unique photo opportunities with pools of water.

: Only 20 permits are allowed access to the Coyote Buttes a day because of their fragile nature! 10 reservations can be made in advance, while the other 10 are given out the day of in a lottery which takes place at 9am.

: This is definitely a picturesque place and you don’t want to leave your camera behind. The best time to take pictures is midday when there are no shadows in the center, though striking photos can be had at any time. Best photos are supposedly taken at the north unit.

Check out these amazing pictures of The Wave

This just goes to show you that there are still some places in the US that are worth seeing.

Friday Links

Top 10 stories you missed in 2007 by Foreign Policy
Best blond joke ever – And you thought you had heard them all :P
Marathon runner catches would be burglar – note to self: don’t steal from marathon runners
5 minute ipod phone/touch cozy tutorial – well 5 minutes if you know how to sew!
Scientist becomes first man to clone himself – The future is scary
Michigan couple leave a total of 1.6 mil to 70 friends and family – wow, what an awesome surprise!