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February 2025



PostSecret Video

Sorry, I was on travel the whole day so didn’t get a chance to post anything. Here’s a cool video to tie you over. It’s a video from one of the most popular websites on the web, PostSecret. If you don’t know anything about the website, it’s a compilation of “secrets” that people send on a postcard to this guy who posts them on his website. It’s gotten so big that he now has 3 books on sale now. Check out the video, it’s awesome.

Friday Links

A list of 50 wines you can always trust – all readily available at most stores and under $20!
Coolest foosball table ever: Good (Mary Poppins, Ghandi, God etc) vs. Bad (Lucifer, Hitler, Macbeth, etc) – How I would love to have this in my future game room!
10 Videos that made YouTube famous – ha, I finally watched the infamous “free hugs” video
How to hem your own jeans
Drinking tea helps you lose weight – unfortunately I also found out it can cause kidney stones so I’ve limited my tea drinking!
List of good airport restaurants/food

3 Cleaning Products I Want To Try

Has anyone tried these? I read some good reviews about them.

Plink disposal cleaners. Each plink drop lasts a week and will keep your kitchen smelling clean. Luckily, our garbage disposal hasn’t been smelling lately but if it starts to, I might just grab some of these. Also, it’s environmentally friendly!

Kaboom NeverScrub cleans your toilet with no work on your part! Just attach it inside your toilet tank and you will have a clean toilet for up to 3 months.

Here’s another product for the “lazy cleaner”. Mop slippers! I would totally get this if I lived in a house with hardwood floors haha. $10 and free shipping!

3 Shopping Websites I Check Everyday

1. I’m sure you guys have heard of They have a hot deal that sells for 24 hours or until it sells out. They usually sell electronics and on random days, the deal is VERY hot!

2. shirt.woot – this is a branch of but they sell a tshirt a day. I’ve seen some really cool tshirts on here and they are all for 10 bucks with no shipping! great deal.

3. – this is like a woot for girls. they sell really unique, cute items for either free shipping or a discounted price.

30 Days Of Spam

This guy LOVES spam.

He loves it so much that he is going to eat 30 straight days of spam in honor of the release of The Book of Spam. Every day he posts pictures of what he ate each of which include spam. Omelets, rice, hamburgers, sandwiches….all with spam! As a fan of spam myself, most of it looks pretty tasty! I hope he makes some spam musubi and spam fried rice.

Other spam recipes:
Spam Spaghetti
Spam and Cabbage
French toast and spam sandwiches
Spam and cheese sandwich

Rent A Dog

I just found out about this cute service where you can RENT-A-DOG! I looove dogs but I know I am not responsible enough to take care of one. I just like to walk and play with them haha. You can either rent them by the month or by the day. It is a bit pricy of course (50 bucks a month or 20-30 bucks by the day). This might be a good idea to temporarily rent a dog to see if you can really handle taking care of a dog!

And for all of you current/future dog owners, sign up for these free frozen dog treat coupons: Frosty Paws

Friday Links

Rock, Paper, Scissors too simple for you? – a different version with 25 possible hand throws. There is also a 125 one, but that’s too insane to even think about!
Ever wonder who that little girl in The Landlord was??
Presidential candidates and where they stand on the big issues in a nice checkbox table
Ikea’s foray into the hostel business – I wouldn’t mind staying there! It’s free too.
Solution for Peanut Allergies – This one is for my nephew and all the people who suffer from peanut allergies
Height/Weight Chart – A website where people upload their pictures so you can see what a person looks like at a certain height/weight

I Need This: HydraCoach

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a big problem with drinking enough water! I just don’t like to drink it. Give me a coke or sugary drink any day! hehe. Anyways, I came across this little gadget called the HydraCoach. It keeps track of how much you are drinking so you can tell if you need to drink more. It would be a great reminder to keep myself hydrated throughout the day!

$29.95 at Solutions

How To Cool Your Laptop

The other day I thought my laptop had died! It wouldn’t turn on and it was realllly hot! I found out for some reason my fans weren’t kicking in at the right time thus allowing my laptop to overheat and automatically shutdown. After doing some research I found an easy solution to cool down my laptop by forcing the fans to turn on. This only works for Dells, but in the FAQs it says you can try it for your laptop and it might just work! It worked for me.

Dell Laptop Fan Control Utility

When it gets too hot, I just force my fans on high speed. Otherwise, I leave it on auto control. I believe that it will monitor the temperature and automatically turn on your fan, whereas your laptop might wait for a higher temperature before it turns on. I’ll continue to use it and see how it goes.

Getting Rid of Viruses and Those Annoying Popup Ads

Well it happened. Somehow my computer got infected with a virus! I was getting those random popup ads every couple of minutes. None of my existing antivirus software worked! I’d delete the “infected” files and a few moments later the popup ads would resume. I tried everything including removing all software on my computer that I did not use/know in my Add/Remove Software and that didn’t work either. I tried various free online virus scans/fixes with no luck but finally I found the answer.

This is a software I highly recommend if you have any type of virus. This software found ones that my other ones couldn’t find! I was really impressed with this FREE tool! I know I sound like an ad….but I just wanted to share with others who somehow get infected with anything too. I’ll save you the trouble, just download:


Their slogan is “Removes ALL the Spyware, NOT just the Easy ones!”. I have to wholeheartedly agree with this.