Friday Links
The Great Turtle Race – eleven 6ft long leatherback turtles racing back to their feeding ground in the galapagos islands. you can watch them cuz they have satellites strapped on their backs!
how to make the perfect scrambled eggs – wow i had no idea scrambled eggs could be so complex
ziploc omelette – on the other end of the egg spectrum, the easiest/laziest way to make an omelette!
Entries from the Washington Post’s Peeps Diorama Contest – this is hilarious, read the titles! And be sure to click on the link at the end for all of the entries.
I knew I disliked Nickelback for a reason. Comparison of 2 NB songs released in 2001 and 2003 and how they are essentially the same. They even end at the same time! Hilarious.
Couple to give 43.5 acre farm to essay contest winner. The entry fee is $100 and they are accepting 3,000 entries. a farm in Ohio < $300,000 haha good scam. :)
Posted: 13 April, 2007 in Cool Links, Fun, Knowledge/News.