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June 2010



Slowing Down

Wow, almost four years ago I started regularly posting on Since then, a lot of things happened. I traveled a bunch of different places, I bought a sidekick, I bought an iPhone, I got kidney stones, I got a new nephew, I witnessed a shuttle launch, I moved around about 4 times, I messed up my knees and could barely walk for months, I got married, I bought a house…those are just some of the more memorable things for me….

All along, I was posting as best I could, every weekday. As much as I LOVE blogging, I’ve come to the realization that I just can’t keep it up any longer. At least not regularly. My schedule is just too busy and blogging has become somewhat of a chore. Instead, from now on, I will be blogging when I have time. There will be weeks where I blog every day…and there will be weeks where you won’t hear a peep from me. Four years ago, I wasn’t even sure if there was a single person reading my blog. Now I have ~150 RSS subscribers and over 150,000 visitors. This past year my readership has been somewhat stagnant though, which made me realize even more that I need a blogging break.

Things I will be doing instead:

– learning how to use my new camera
– cooking new recipes
– working on crafts
– planning for my EUROPE trip in September (yes!!! so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
– catching up on tv shows that I’ve missed out on over the years (yes Hakushaku, i’ll try to watch The Wire too :P)
– and most importantly…exercising!

I hope you will still check in once in awhile or add my feeds for and to your RSS readers. Either way, thanks so much for reading my ramblings, links, and commentary!

aw…i’m so sad right now! maybe one day i’ll have more time to blog regularly again!


Comment from lori
Posted: June 16, 2010 at 9:36 am

awww, i will miss friday links and brain dump monday! i’ll keep checking, and keep your blog as my homepage!!