Things You Should Do
Make your connections to Facebook always secure – it takes like 1 min to do and is worth it!
Start reading Makes Me Think or add it to your rss reader. It’s not usually funny or anything and some of them are lame/cheesy but sometimes you’ll read one that actually “makes you think” and feel lucky to be alive and healthy!
Eat fish no more than twice a week and sometimes not at all according to this chart on when it’s safe to eat fish (click on pic to view larger size):
Clean up your house in preparation for the lunar new year. It ensures the new year will be a clean and healthy one. :)
And lastly, eat slower…it will help you lose weight!
Posted: 2 February, 2011 in Tips/Tricks/Hacks.
Comment from mouse
Posted: February 2, 2011 at 1:47 pm
i suppose it would be mercury levels. Usually the bigger the fish, the more you should avoid it. Tunas, swordfish, chilean sea bass (sad, my favorite fish) have the highest contents.
Comment from girlrobot
Posted: February 2, 2011 at 4:09 pm
you caught me hakushaku….i accidentally lost/deleted the bookmark to the original website before I copied the link. it did have to do with health reasons though from what I remember when reading the article :P
Comment from Hakushaku
Posted: February 2, 2011 at 9:47 am
Haha you can’t just give a list of fish eating rules and not explain why!? On what grounds am I supposed to follow this Nazi fish regime? Ecological? Health? Tastiness? What.