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January 2011



Archive for January, 2011

Why Your State Sucks

This funny map shows what each state is worst at: Scary to think my state CA has the WORST air pollution :( And my home state of Oklahoma has the most female criminals which isn’t so bad but they are also tied with Alabama as having the highest rate of strokes (my dad had a […]

Green Monster Movement

I was just thinking about how I can get more greens into my and boyrobot’s diet. Boyrobot barely eats any veggies and although I don’t mind it, I’m almost always caught choosing french fries rather than steamed veggies as my side :P (So bad I know!) And then I started reading about all of these […]

Need Advice? Check Out Dear Sugar

Just wanted to highlight another blog I love reading. Actually it’s an advice column that’s funny, poignant, and very well written. I just discovered it a few months ago and I look forward to reading her letter every week! Dear Sugar Some of my favorites: Dear Sugar: How you get unstuck Dear Sugar: Beauty and […]

This Made Me Laugh

50 Meals To Eat In 50 States

I love lists. And I especially love FOOD LISTS! I am totally saving this next one I found called 50 Meals to Eat in 50 States Before the Apocalypse Sadly, I have only eaten at ONE of these places and that is Lotus of Siam in Nevada. Which is reallllly good! My top restaurant that […]

Cleaning Your Garbage Disposal W/ Vinegar Ice Cubes (& other tips)

Ok it’s time for another tip dump. In other words, I have tips flowing out of my ears and I need to share them with you all so you too can live an easier life! Clean (and sharpen!) your garbage disposal with vinegar ice cubes – ingenious avoid all of those toxic cleaners and return […]

IE Tab Extension For Chrome

I use Google Chrome for my web browser. Every once in awhile and also every time I have to pay my Time Warner bill, I have problems viewing a webpage in Chrome, so I have to open it in IE. It’s a pain but I just can’t go back to surfing the web in IE […]

Homemade Chicken Broth

So I did it! Well I am in the process of doing it. I finally made chicken broth from scratch. It’s actually very easy and not that much of an accomplishment but I really wanted to try making it at least once. I used this recipe from the Soup Chick because originally I was going […]

30 Habits For The New Year

Wow. I can’t believe it’s 2011! Each year, I like to make new year’s resolutions. Sadly, they rarely come through but for at least the first few months I attempt at bettering myself so that’s better than nothing I guess. :) My top resolutions this year are to: 1. prioritize my life better so I […]