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July 2016



Max’s 2nd Year Birthday Questions

Wow. This was almost a month late! I actually have had it written since his birthday but it’s been so difficult to find the time to add pictures to this post!



My blog has been reduced to these twice a year updates on my kiddos. What can I say…kids just overtake your life! This is both a good and bad thing. Sorry for all of you blog readers that still have me in your feeds. I can’t imagine anything more boring than reading about kids that you probably don’t even know in real life! :)


And with that…let’s move onto Max’s 2nd year update! Yes he is 2 and has been quite terrible since before this age so I’m anxious to see what the next year brings us. He sure has mastered the art of the tantrum at an early age and
also has a habit of hitting if anybody upsets him. We never dealt with hitting with Emma…is it a boy thing? And while I’m listing all of the things that make him our difficult 2nd child…if you know him in real life you’ll know he is quite small for his age. We are constantly getting in trouble with the doctor for his weight gaining and it’s seriously the biggest stress factor in our life. Our child is labeled a “failure to thrive”. Doesn’t that just sound horrible? But I swear we are feeding him and he acts like a normal, happy kid besides the fact that he still fits in 6 months clothing. Sigh. The only other problem we have with him is his eczema. So far we are controlling it with lotions and topical ointments but sometimes it flares up….especially in the winter time when the air is really dry. Aveeno oatmeal baths have really helped though!


Now onto all of the great things that make up Max. He is seriously the funniest kid and makes the whole family crack up all of the time with his antics and mischievous ways. He’s very friendly but sometimes shy (not in any way like Emma was though) and will randomly go up to strangers and demand a “Hi!”. The most lovable thing he does is hold my face and try to kiss me. I always pretend fight it and we end up both giggling so much over it. He is seriously so playful!

The neglected 2nd child. First time spending a day with just him. I think he really enjoyed having mommys full attention. Now wish he would just eat more so we can stop worrying about his weight :(


I also love seeing his interaction with Emma. Ok not the part where he wants everything that big sister has but if he realizes that she is REALLY upset he will give up whatever he has or try to comfort her with a hug or hand holding. Sometimes I send them off to play together in a public place and they almost always hold hands each helping the other to be brave, not get lost, and have each other’s backs. I hope their relationship is always like this!





Max is really into sports already so we’ve signed him up for his first soccer class! It starts next month and I know he will love it! Whenever we mention soccer he starts singing “I’m a soccer rocker, I’m a soccer rocker!”. Speaking of language, he knows so many words and for the most part can communicate with us very well. His favorite book right now is Pat The Bunny and whenever I read it to him he always pats the bunny and says “so soft so soft” in the cutest voice. I will really miss these little kid voices when they all grow up! :(


Overall, despite his temper, Max is really the sweetest little boy and I’m so proud to be his mom! He truly brings joy to us and rounds out our whole family dynamic. Thanks Max for keeping us laughing every day !

Now here are his answers to his birthday questions. My answers are in parentheses. He is fixated on being 2 and when I told him I was going to ask him his birthday questions he started answering all of the questions with 2 lol.

1. What is your favorite color? 2 (with more prompting he decided on orange :))
2. What is your favorite toy? 2 (I think I see him playing with these toys the most: balls, rice box, dollhouse, bubbles)


3. What is your favorite fruit? orange
4. What is your favorite tv show? 2 (Not a tv show but he is obsessed with these silly spiderman youtube videos)
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? (couldn’t get him to answer this but it’s probably McD’s chicken nuggets)
6. What is your favorite outfit? (He loves his striped shirt that’s super soft and also his spiderman or cars shirts)


7. What is your favorite game? (Probably catch or hide and seek)
8. What is your favorite snack? (any and all fruits or mamma chia pouch)
9. What is your favorite animal? woof woof (dog)
10. What is your favorite song? (5 Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed)
11. What is your favorite book? Pat The Bunny
12. Who is your best friend? mommy (awww!)
13. What is your favorite cereal? (he doesn’t really eat much cereal so doesn’t really have a favorite)
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? (wagon rides)
15. What is your favorite drink? (juice)
16. What is your favorite holiday? (I don’t think he knows what a “holiday” is so I’ll guess xmas)
At this point he lost interest in answering my questions so I’ll just answer the rest :)
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Definitely mommy
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Probably fruit
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? pizza
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? I’m guessing some sports player?


