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February 2025



Archive for category Shop/Gift Ideas

Things I Like But Probably Won’t Buy For The House

I’m sad that for whatever reasons I won’t be buying these items….most likely because they are out of my budget. Woodstation weather display – is this not the coolest clock ever? a motion sensor detects when you are near and lights up….otherwise it looks like a modern wooden sculpture. I don’t know how the LEDs […]

Random Things I Will Be Buying For The New House

YES! We got the keys to the new house yesterday. I will try to post pictures next week. As for the rest of this week, it’s rain rain rain of “epic proportions”! It sucks cause this will delay us moving in since we don’t want our stuff to get wet. Oh well, I’ve waited this […]

Cute Ninja Cable Wrap

In case you ever followed my other blog qeeper, I officially closed its doors last week. It was my blog for cute finds that were under $30. I just didn’t have the time to post to it anymore and it was silly to keep paying for the hosting and domain name. SO…since I don’t have […]

House Stuff

I bookmark notes, pictures, and websites all of the time for my “future house”. Here’s a glimpse: 50 nifty tricks for big diy savings Lid Rack DIY etched glass storage jars Wall grafitti Game room decoration 5 Maintenance lessons from a first time homeowner

5 DIY Cheap Valentine’s Day Cards

If you’re looking for some valentine’s day ideas, nothing beats a homemade card. I still remember the robot one boyrobot made for me one year. So cute!!! Here’s a list of 5 cheap diy card ideas by Wisebread. I really like all of these ideas. So creative! My favorite is the message in a bottle: […]

My Future House

I like to bookmark things that I might buy for my future house. BTW, I’m a huge geek so a lot of the things I like have a nerd-inspired look to them. Here’s a peek: I don’t know why but I’ve always had a mini-crush on key racks. Yeah, I know that’s weird! I can […]

Brain Dump Mondays: Raccoon Attack

If you’ve been reading my comments, you’ll see mentioned a certain incident involving a raccoon attack that I witnessed this weekend. It was the highlight of my week. I have never in my life seen a raccoon try to jump through a window into a house before but that’s what happened! We were sitting in […]

Jellyfish Aquarium

When I first saw the jellyfish aquarium that Spencer bought on The Hills, I was so jealous but I knew I could never afford an extravagance like that. Plus, I’m the laziest person and I would hate to have to clean the tank. I don’t know what it is about jellyfish, they are so mesmerizing! […]

Crafty Roundup

Some craft projects that have caught my eye. If I had time, I would definitely do one of these! Great for some homemade xmas presents too: Pattern for sewing a Wasp bag – this seems to be the new make yourself purse pattern! I think it’s so cute! Things to make for guys – the […]

Forbes Top Wii Games

I love my Wii! If you’re looking for some games to get this holiday season, here is Forbes list of top 10 games for the Wii (this is geared more towards younger kids but I find these games are the most fun with groups of friends, ie minigames and such): 1. Wii Sports 2. Wii […]