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February 2025



A Video Post

This post is for my friend Mike (you better subscribe to my blog!!).

Coning is the new planking

this has been making the rounds but my friend Mike complains about missing out on these popular vids so this one is for him

This video of a boy catching his first fish is ADORABLE.

30 Days Of Doing Stuff

So I just read about this social initiative encouraging people to make something every day of June…

30 Days of Creativity

I’m inspired. But I don’t think I’m creative enough to make something every day for a whole month! I do have some craft projects that I would like to attempt, some recipes I want to try, and a list of “to dos” (many that involve cleaning something for some reason! hehe) that I would like to finally get around to doing. I think this is a good way to force me to do/make stuff. I haven’t completely narrowed down my list yet so I will just share it as I do them. Most days I’m content with just vegging out and relaxing. In reality, I could definitely get something done in the evenings. For a whole month, I’m going to stop being lazy….starting tomorrow! Can’t wait to see what I come up with :)

For those of you who are actually interested in the 30 Days Of Creativity Movement, here is their inspiration calendar to inspire you to make stuff. Warning….it’s VERY random hehe.

How To Choose Fruits

Summer is quickly approaching and honestly it can’t come soon enough for me. I am ready for days of sunshine and warm weather. BBQs at the beach and eating fresh fruit! One problem I always have is I never really know how to pick my fruits. Here are some tips to help you next time you are at the grocery store:

melons – sweet smell, pale skin (if there are green veins, then it is not ripe), and the tapping rule: look for a deep hollow sound
watermelons – feel heavy for its size, underbelly should have a splotch of creamy yellow

stone fruits (peaches and nectarines) – tender but not soft, good smell, stay away from green-tinted peaches and look for a full color

cherries – deep rich burgandy color, not too soft, and have stem attached

berries – color, avoid strawberries with white shoulders (picked too early), for blueberries the bigger the better

apples – look for a tight, hard skin, and firm

oranges – bright color and firm

pears – sweet aroma and slightly tender (not firm!)

Minimalist Desktop Wallpapers

I love these wallpapers!

I used this giraffe one for my computer at work and it seriously puts a smile on my face every time I see it!


Best Wedding Proposal Ever

I know I’ve posted cool wedding proposals before but I promise…this one tops them all. SO AMAZING.

A little background: The video is shot by Michael Justin Films for a guy named John proposing to his gf. It tells the story of his unlucky life and how he became the luckiest man after meeting his fiance. It starts with reenactments from his childhood to hired actors playing them in old age and is all stitched together with real footage of the two of them. It’s sooooooooooooooooo good. I admit it, I teared up.

LUCK – NYC Wedding Propsal from Aria Melody DJ on Vimeo.

Stolen Camera Finder

This is cool!

Stolen Camera Finder

Drag one of your photos into the website and it will auto find the serial # of your camera. Then it will scour the internet for other pictures with the same serial #. I once lost (or was it stolen?) my digital camera…this sure would have been handy to have back then!

Kids On Osama

This is so cute and hilarious!

“He’s not from Pakistan”

Things I Want Right Now

this pocky iphone cozy! i’m kind of tired of using my bumper and this would be so perfect as a case! love my pocky! love my iphone!

and this huckleberry finn iphone dock. to replace the real books that i’ve stopped reading since i got an iphone/ipad :)

onto some non-iphone stuff…

the next one is a kickstarter product so it actually isn’t on sale yet but at the rate they are collecting money it should be one soon: coffee joulies – these “beans” will keep your drink hot for hours….and if it’s too hot it cools it down to a drinkable temperature = AMAZING right?

And let me just pause for a second to talk about Kickstarter. It’s a website where people try to garner support (money) for their “ideas”. If you believe in their idea, you donate a certain amount and if they reach their goal they will make the product and usually you get a discount or first preview or some other goodie for making their dreams happen! such a cool idea right?

check out this other ingenious product: the Obol keeps your cereal from getting soggy! one of the greatest annoyances in life and also such a 1st world problem (make sure you click on this link…sooo funny!)

some people have asked me if i’m still into robot stuff. yes yes yes. i am so close to buying this reusable bag. I mean it’s good for the environment right? ? ?


i’m trying to be good and at least wait for an envirosax coupon

And look what I gave into and just bought recently:


this little guy is even cuter in person. and so useful!!

ok that’s all for now…wish my bday was closer so I could make boyrobot buy me all these things :)

My Youtube Obsession

Things have finally quieted around a bit around here. For the past month I have been so busy with family obligations including having ALL of my family over at my house at the same time. In case you don’t know that includes my 2 parents, my brother, my sister and her husband, and my oldest sister, her husband, and 4 kids. Also 2 of my cousins and grandfather wanted to join in on the fun.

My house isn’t that big…and for awhile it was like a zoo! But fun….and I definitely miss them. Now they have all left and it’s just me and boyrobot. And we have been slowly cleaning the house ever since ha ha. Now that our weekends have returned to normal, I finally had some time to have a friend come over that I hadn’t seen in quite awhile! It was so great to catch up and during our chats, I discovered another person that was into Youtube videos. Well not as much as me but I introduced her to a few more artists she wasn’t aware of. :)

I thought it was high time that I talk about my little youtube obsession. Well it is one I share with boyrobot, in fact I believe he got me into it. We can spend hours on youtube looking up cover songs and it has led us to many really cool artists! Here are some of our faves:

There are some non-professional ones. They aren’t the best singers but they do fun covers and have great personalities and I am just hooked on them as a person!

Cathy Nguyen – She has done a collaboration with pretty much everyone on this list
Victor Kim – you might recognize him from America’s Best Dance Crew in Quest Crew. He is also my youtube internet crush! ha ha.
elshaynez – this kid is one of my first youtube obsessions. His covers of Never Shout Never are great.

Here are some semi-pro/pro singers that definitely have some chops!
andrew garcia – all of you American Idol fans might recognize him…well he started out on youtube and is still going at it! His raspy voice is so good
kina grannis – one of the most famous youtube stars. we actually paid to see her in concert and IT WAS SO GOOD! she is so adorable in person too!!
goot – i love his covers and his name. his videos are really nice looking too.
legaci – this group’s cover of jb’s baby got so big that justin bieber himself invited them to go on tour with him! they are like an asian boyz 2 men….really talented!

From these videos and artists, it has led us to other types of videos (apparently all these youtube stars are friends and appear in each other’s videos) so I’ve discovered some humor videos:
Kevjumba – you might think these are funnier if you are asian….but the videos with his dad are so hilarious!
and Wong Fu videos

and not so humorous videos (but so good!):

Things On My Mind

1. This one is for all the people I know who feel the same way I do about having kids:

Dear Sugar….

Wow never have I related more to an advice column question! I guess for some ppl we’ll never get that “feeling”…

2. Kind of find it funny that people are still talking about Obama not being a citizen when there is much more compelling evidence that this might be true:

Sarah Palin Being Pregnant With Trig Was Probably A Hoax

I already knew Sarah was a nutcase but this is like something out of Desperate Housewives (which is a totally ridiculous show!). And to imagine, she was an actual candidate for VP of the United States…scary isn’t it?

3. Doesn’t it feel like everything is dangerous nowadays? Now milk is even bad for you:

The Thing About Dairy

I’ve decided that it’s good to be aware of stuff like this but I’m not going to cut everything out of my life. Moderation is key!

4. I was going to have more things on my mind but I’m on an impromptu trip to Oklahoma and I decided to not bring my laptop and just carry my new iPad (which is AMAZING btw) and ive quickly realized that the wordpress app sucks on here and while surfing the web is much more fun on the iPad, typing is not!