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February 2025



the facebook movie

no really, and it’s called the social network

actually looks pretty good!!

she only sings at christmas parties

usually i show boyrobot the funny videos on the internet but this time he showed me one. so funny!

Undercover Karaoke with Jewel from Jewel

i will be eating like an okinawan for the next 3 weeks

i am in florida for the rest of july and i decided while i’m out here i would follow a diet because i like restrictions and torturing myself. i just hope the local walmart/publix has enough healthy options so that i can follow this. oh, how i miss trader joe’s and whole foods!

the healthiest diet in the world

Hmmm…my money’s on germany

Why Germany Will Win The World Cup

People Always Think I’ll Be Really Good At Limbo Just Because I’m Short

Who’s Watching Twilight This Weekend?


I Love These Google Search Stories

You probably saw their infamous Superbowl Ad. Well they have added a series of these Search Stories Videos. This one made me a little teary because it reminded me of my parents. I remember the days when my dad worked a 2nd job as a pizza delivery man to feed us 4 kids! Love my parents!

They have a bunch of other ones too.

I Did It!

It’s funny how ever since I posted that I was going to stop posting here daily to give myself more free time do other things that I have instead SPENT ALL OF MY TIME FIXING MY WEBSITE! OMGGGGGGG.

Everyday after work, I would spend hours trying to transfer my website to a new host. It’s still not 100% (new theme???) but at least the bulk of the content is here (I think). I was literally going to cry thinking of years of my posts being gone forever!

Anyways, I’m pretty much a wordpress transferring host GURU now so if anyone out there needs help, just ask :P

So happy I finally got this working. Sad that there is still a lot of work left to do. And sad that my hosting company went to sh** after it got sold to a freaking kid. (or so I hear).

I can finally sleep at a decent time tonight though.

Add Hair To Your Apple Logo

I’m a PC but these stickers for your apple laptop are making me change my mind. hello! a mustache for my laptop? I’M SOLD.

from Stick With Me, Baby!


so if you went to my website today, you’ll notice it was suspended. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY. and my web hosting company didn’t email me or anything. this also included suspension of one of my main emails which i use for a multitude of things. so yeah, today sucked.

after going through the process of switching my web hosting, my website mysteriously came back! again, no word from my web hosting. i am just glad it came back so I can make a backup of it.

on top of all this, i am getting sick. i tried this honey lemon tea tonight and it was sooo soothing and yummy. doesn’t cure my sore throat though but it feels good while i am drinking it!

1 cup water
2 teaspoons honey
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

Boil water and pour into a mug. Add honey and stir in lemon juice, mixing until honey is dissolved.

I also added some grated ginger. YUM.

so, i was supposed to stop blogging so i would have more free time but THIS took me all night to resolve! i was sooo annoyed and my evening was ruined. blegh.