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February 2025



Paris For President

Here’s her response video to that lame McCain ad. I love how she’s willing to poke fun of herself!

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Have You Watched The News Lately?

People are really messed up nowadays. Here are the top stories featured on CNN:

Man decapitates random stranger and then eats him on a crowded bus – this has got to be the most disturbing story of the year. A man cuts off the head of the man sitting next to him (who was sleeping with his headphones on), all in front of a bunch of people on a bus!!!!! Ugh, and not to mention the cannibalism. He was actually even married too. W.T.F. Those crazy canadians!

Man walks into store with 2 and 6 yr old and shoots clerk
. Then walks out. – umm yeah, so this is how they start!

Preacher killed his wife and stuffed her in the freezer for four years – To top it off, he was also abusing his 8 children! Can you imagine living in that house knowing your dead mom is in the freezer? *shudders*

Mother lies about 2 year old missing daughter
– ok, it’s hard to give much details about this story because nobody’s talking and the whole story is full of lies after lies. All we know is a 2 yr old girl went missing about 6 weeks ago and the mother is in custody for neglect. She says she doesnt’ know where the girl is but she doesn’t seem worried at all. They even have pictures of her partying it up at a club a few days after her daughter goes missing. It’s the oddest story because nothing makes sense. You just have to follow the story from the start to understand what I’m talking about. All I know is I can’t wait for the DNA test to come back so we can finally figure out what/who was in the trunk!

BTW, i can’t stop watching Nancy Grace who has featured all of these stories and especially the last one. I don’t really like the way she reports the news but she is very engaging. It’s so annoying when every single one of her callers will call in and the first thing they say is some butt kissing comment to Nancy. Has anyone else noticed that? Is she paying people to call in or what?!

Anyways, the world is F-ED up….what’s it coming to?? I’m scared.

Brain Dump Mondays: Answers

Thanks to Andy for these questions!

What made you start blogging?
I’ve been blogging for a long time now….probably for over 10 years. Before, I wrote a more personal blog. I think it was just a way for me to express myself since I’m normally a very private and quiet person. When I first started, nobody who knew me offline read it. It’s kind of liberating to write whatever you want without caring what people think. I’m not a great writer, but I enjoy doing it.

Are you related to Banana Sauce? How do you know all of the people on your blogroll?

No I don’t know Banana Sauce. I just started reading her blog a long time ago when she was linked through another regular read for me (luckykat). I didn’t want to forget her blog so I just ended up adding her to my blogroll. The only people I know in real life on my blogroll are nerdchild (my old roommate), sweetposiebot (my sister), and bullish cross (the other andy and my future roommate!). Barnapkins is the only person on there that I talk to outside of my website but strictly online only. The rest are mostly link exchanges. :)

Why did you move to California?
I attended UCLA (go bruins!) for college. It was this or OU. I’m always one for challenging myself so I thought what better challenge than to go to school where I knew completely noone? It was extremely different but I wouldn’t change my decision.

Have you ever visited Vietnam or plan to??

I’ve never visited Vietnam but it is definitely in my top 5 places to visit. Just need to find the time and opportunity. I can’t wait!!!! I’ve heard amazing things about it and it will be such a learning experience to visit my home country.

Bloggable Quotes 1:

The other day I was fixing my bike outside my apartment and some dude walked by and said, in horrible Mandarin, ‘Are you Chinese?’ The only reason why I knew what he asked was because I took three semesters of Mandarin in undergrad (and the only reason I took three semesters of Mandarin in undergrad was because my school had a foreign language requirement and they didn’t offer Korean). To that I replied, ‘Uh, no, I’m not Chinese…’ And he said, ‘Where are you from?’ and I said I was Korean-American. Okay. Then he said, ‘Well, welcome to this country!’


I was like, dude, please tell me you’re joking. So I said, ‘Thanks… I’ve been here for 24 years’

— Rachel in The Thing About Stereotypes Is That They’re True, But The Thing About Stereotypes Is That They’re Not True

Friday Links

Gummy Bears turn out to be GOOD for your teeth – I’m liking the sound of that!
Dog retrieves cat best friend who was buried in the garden – this story makes you go awwwww..but then it’s also kind of gross.
How a woman kept secret her inability to read or write for 40 years
– and she actually went to school?
100 Photoshop tutorials
– I love photoshop…it can do some amazing things!
Air fresheners contain toxic and hazardous chemicals – seriously…is there anything out there that’s safe nowadays?
5 signs you’re watching a Wes Anderson movie – very true…still love his movies!
Barack Obama on facebook – one of his interests is loafing with his kids
What you don’t know about living in space – they can’t do laundry so they wear the same clothes until the mission ends…interesting

Christian The Lion – Not A Hoax

This video is so sweeet! And at first I thought it was a hoax…buying wild animals at a department store?? but I checked and it’s true!

What’s In Season: August

An easy way to save money when you cook a lot is to know what’s in season. These items will most likely be on sale. With this thought, I’m going to try to start a new monthly post where I tell you what items are in season for this month and I suggest some recipes. BTW, I like to choose recipes that are simple, easy, and fast!

So for the month of August here are the fruits and veggies in season:


* cucumbers
* corn
* eggplant
* tomatoes
* summer squash
* green beans
* lettuce


* watermelon
* strawberries
* cantaloupe
* blueberries
* peaches
* apricots
* kiwi
* raspberries
* plums

And here are the recipes I found:

Garlic Roasted Green Beans w/ Shallots and Almonds

Eggplant Fries

Corn chowder

Shrimp With Cherry Tomatoes & Feta

Cantaloupe Strawberry Salad With Lime Syrup and Mint

Perfect Berry Shortcakes

Mmmm, I’m so hungry now!

My Future House

I like to bookmark things that I might buy for my future house. BTW, I’m a huge geek so a lot of the things I like have a nerd-inspired look to them. Here’s a peek:

I don’t know why but I’ve always had a mini-crush on key racks. Yeah, I know that’s weird! I can just imagine stepping in the door and placing my keys on the key rack. I’m always paranoid about losing my keys or forgetting my keys the minute I close the door. This way I always know where it is and it’s easy to remember to grab on my way out. I love these DIY key racks by Design Sponge made by wood and wrapping paper! I have the CUTEST robot wrapping paper that would just be perfect for this!

I’ve also decided I must have a wall mounted bottle opener, especially one as cute as this! Can you tell I love useful things that also double as art?? I could probably make a diy project out of this one too and be able to use whatever stencil I want (ROBOTS? or ELEPHANTS?).

In my office, these ultra nerdy posters would be hanging on the wall:

Web 2.0 Poster

If you can’t see the details click here for the larger version

and The Online Communities Poster

which you can buy here.

I love maps and I love the internet!

And lastly, on my couch would sit these lovely DOS directories pillows (notice how the directories can be tailored to represent your interests?). I can see boyrobot shaking his head at this one. :)

These are not for sale but could easily be replicated with some silkscreening or for the very crafty ambitious…embroidery!

A&E Intervention

OMG I have never cried so much watching a tv show. If you enjoy documentaries, you must check out A&E’s award winning series called Intervention (It’s now on it’s 5th season but this is the first time I’ve watched it). Each episode chronicles a person who faces an addiction and how it affects their family and friends. At the end, the families and friends write letters to the person and plead that they get help by going to rehab.

A&E is having some kind of marathon. I just sat through 3 episodes!

The first one was a teenager who is addicted to opiates, oxycontin, and a variety of other drugs. He pretty much has lost all motivation in life and only lives for the next hit.

The second one was a world class discus thrower (#1 in the US) who gets tested positive for drugs the week before the olympic qualifications. From that point on, her life goes downhill to the point she has to steal money for drugs.

And the last one I saw was about a bulemic alcoholic who has been binging and purging for 11 years. Since he was 8! Can you imagine?

The saddest part about these documentaries are the families. All of the main people were at the point where they just couldn’t see what it was doing to their families or themselves and actually thought nobody even cared about them. At the end of the film, the letters are really heartfelt and touching. Especially when you can tell for the last few years, probably the only feelings they’ve expressed towards each other are anger and resentment. They finally get to say how they really feel. In the end, they all choose to go to rehab but not all of them stay. Just goes to show just how hard it can be to beat some of the addictions.

Anyways, check here for a schedule if you want to catch the next one!

My Sassy Girl Straight To DVD

Why am I not surprised that the American version of My Sassy Girl will be going straight to DVD? To be released on August 26 for those that are interested.

I’m disappointed in the trailer but I will definitely be renting this if I can find it. It sucks that it turned out so bad considering the people involved at least had some credibility!