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February 2025



Brain Dump Mondays: I’m Addicted To Nyquil

So I’ve moved onto the annoying part of a cold…the cough that won’t go away. For some reason, it’s way worse when I’m trying to go to bed. After about an hour of coughing, I finally give in and go get some Nyquil. That stuff is strong. And it gives me weird dreams. But since listening to other people’s dreams is really boring, I’ll spare you.

Anyways, I’m still immensely tired and not in a blogging mood so this is the best you’ll get from me. Here’s some links to make up for last week though:

Gas station owner shares lottery winnings with customers
Postcards from yo mamma
5 myths about water
Billionaire college dropouts
Behind the scenes at Jeopardy

I’m Sick

UGHHHHHHH, I’ve been really, really sick. No posting for me for the rest of this week!

April Fools On The Web

There have already been some April Fools jokes starting up since yesterday. If you want to see every April Fools joke ever played on the web, check out this website:

April Fools’ Day On The Web

I like the UK Youtube one where all the featured videos are redirected to Rick Roll.

Also, check out these cool April Fools recipes from AllRecipes!

Brain Dump Mondays: Easy BBQ Meal

Last week I made dinner for some of my friends. Since I work pretty late, it’s hard to throw a dinner party on a weeknight but with these easy peasy recipes, I managed to do it pretty easily!

Easy Crockpot Ribs – Place sliced onions on the bottom of your crockpot. Slice ribs into serving pieces and place into crockpot. Pour 1 bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce all over the ribs. Turn on low and cook for 10 hours.

Baked BBQ Chicken from Allrecipes

Creamed Spinach from Allrecipes – I also added some diced onions and fresh chopped garlic to this recipe. BTW, this recipe was such a hit! Everybody really liked it and it was SO easy!

Corn – I just like to warm up a can of corn with butter on the stovetop. Everybody loves corn!

So there ya go. If you buy the ribs and chicken on sale, this meal is actually very cheap too with the amount of people you are able to feed! Yum!

Friday Links

Can you tell the difference between a 320kbps or a 128kbps mp3? – I barely could
15 Best breakfast places across the country according to men – I’ve never heard of the one in LA
Photoshop is now available online (and free!) – I’ve heard it’s not that great compared to the full version though
Posh movie theater opening in Washington that charges $35 a ticket! – And I thought our $15 ticket prices were bad!
Lower back tattoos (aka stripper tattoos) are available at Toys R Us! – ????????????? kids nowadays!
Mario Kart Wii will let you race with your friends online! – SWEET. I can’t wait.
100 unsexiest men on the planet
Jabbawockeez official homepage – I’m so happy they won America’s Best Dance Crew. Best show ever!

Link Purge 1 (aka Friday Links On Steroids)

Muxtape – Online Mixtape

Ooooh I love this new website I found, Muxtape. I made a mixtape for myself and one for boyrobot. It’s cool because you can listen to it whenever you want and anywhere you want!

I used to make mix CDs but then I got lazy. This is the next best thing!

Make your own here or listen to mine :)

World’s Most Whipped Man

This girl won’t let her bf watch the cheerleaders perform!

Brain Dump Mondays: Recovering From Vegas

This past weekend I went to a bachelorette party in Las Vegas for an old high school friend. Gosh, it was SO great meeting up with old friends!!! I forgot how silly and great they all are. I have no pics to show since I didn’t take my camera but I figured everybody else would and I would get my pics from them. Until then….the highlights in words:

– Partying it up with KFed at Pure! haha, ok…we didn’t actually party with him but he happened to be having his birthday party at Pure while we were there. Pics to come….

– Learning about The Dolphin and other terms

– Getting my eyebrows threaded for the first time! Painful!

– Eating the buffet at Planet Hollywood….the lambchops and raw oysters were so good!

– Shopping!

– Catching up on all of the old hs gossip

– Reminiscing about our hs days and our awesome lunch time adventures!

– Staying at a suite in The Venetian which was probably the best hotel I’ve stayed at in Vegas

– Making new friends!!

Man, I came back from Vegas and just slept for over 12 hours straight. I was SO tired. And now I’m at work and just as tired. Ughghg, I wanna go home!

Friday Links

A Place Between Us – use this to find a meeting point that’s between two locations. Great for meeting up with ppl! And you can even narrow down type of location (coffee, chinese food, etc).
Life clock – this is kind of morbid to have hanging on your wall
DMX has no idea who Barack Obama is
List of tea tips – good to know if you are a tea drinker like me!
Lexisum – lets you print Wikipedia pages in a variety of sizes. Perfect for notes!
Jewno – a parody of Juno

Table illusion – both tables are the same size! (You can check in photoshop)