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February 2025



Friday Links

Billboard “whispers” messages only audible in your head – wow, what a cool idea and perfect for their “paranormal” show!
Male swan with deformed neck may finally have found a gf! – They call him Crinkly the ugly swan! It’s good to know not all swans are superficial :P

What to do if your car is a lemon – luckily i’ve never had to deal with this. knock on wood.
Oldest human being dies at 116 – I liked how everybody ate his favorite foods at his funeral
Very sweet story of a man who carves a 6000 step path for his wife
The best credit cards – I have the discover one and highly recommend it myself

No Posts Today

I’ll be travelling all day today so no time to make a post unless the airport has free wifi. I’m heading home for the holidays (Oklahoma). I hope its not too cold!

I’m A Nerd Pt. 2

Anyone who knows me knows I LOOOOVE scrabble. I really need these chairs and pillows if I ever have a house big enough with a game room.

The tables are triple/double word scores ha!

Via cribcandy. Check out the link for other household goodies.

RSS Recommendation: Futility Closet

This is the newest feed that I subscribe to that I really enjoy. But I’m the type of person that likes riddles, puzzles, and word games. The typical non-nerd person might not enjoy this website as much as me hehe.

Futility Closet
– “2,400 anecdotes, epigrams, illusions and wonders; puzzles, prodigies, sublimities and horrors.”

Some sample posts:

Two business partners asked their lawyer to hold $20,000, making him promise to get both of their signatures before disbursing any of it.

As soon as one partner left town, the other pressed the lawyer for $15,000, citing an emergency. The lawyer reluctantly gave it to him, and he disappeared.

On his return, the other partner was irate, so the lawyer explained that he had donated the $15,000 out of his own pocket.

“Then give me the $20,000 you’re holding,” said the partner.

“All right,” said the lawyer. “Give me the two signatures.”

Choose four distinct digits and arrange them into the largest and smallest numbers possible (e.g., 9751 and 1579). Subtract the smaller from the larger to produce a new number (9751 – 1579 = 8172) and repeat the operation.

Within seven iterations you’ll always arrive at 6174. With three-digit numbers you’ll aways arrive at 495. A similar technique works with words.

Yeah, this is the stuff that I looove. I’m such a nerd.

Crafty Roundup

Some craft projects that have caught my eye. If I had time, I would definitely do one of these! Great for some homemade xmas presents too:

Pattern for sewing a Wasp bag – this seems to be the new make yourself purse pattern! I think it’s so cute!

Things to make for guys – the box made of playing cards and the suede ipod case seem easy and cool to make!

Video on how to make a sympathy doll – cute cute cute!

Very simple knit tissue cozy – I’d totally use this

Holiday gift tags from angry chicken – not really crafty since all you have to do is print them out but they are so much cooler than store bought ones!

Winner Of My First Ever Giveaway

Congrats to Elise (check out her cute little blog!) for winning my first ever giveaway. I will be mailing out her box of asian snack goodness as soon as she emails me back her address.

Thanks to everybody else for entering and sorry your name didn’t get picked. :( I was quite amazed at the number of people who entered and the awesome messages they wrote to me. There was some great feedback on things people liked and didn’t like. I will try to incorporate them more into my site.

I hope Elise enjoys the package and I hope to hold more giveaways in the future!!

Piece Of Me

Britney’s new video. Why does she insist on wearing tummy bearing clothes and what’s wrong with her hair?!?

Despite that, I’m sorry to say but I actually like the song. I don’t know what it is with me and bad pop songs. I’m just drawn to them. I never claimed I was cool!

1 More Day To Enter In My Giveaway!

Tomorrow is the last day to enter in my giveaway if you haven’t already. I’ll be closing submissions at midnight, December 16th! Click here to read how to enter. Thanks to everybody who already entered, I can’t believe the amazing comments people have had about my site(s). I really appreciate it and wish I could send you all a box of goodies!!!

BTW, I stopped by Marukai, Ranch 99, and Ikea to pick up all of the candies and snacks today. Among the goodies, I picked up some pocky sticks, mango jello snacks, soda candy, melon sponge cake, assorted fruit chews, 5 minute gum, various asian crunchy snacks, the infamous milk candy, AND SO MUCH MORE! I can’t wait to send it to the lucky winner! :)

Friday Links

MIT hackers added references to various board games around the campus – ha! they even added settlers of catan (=best board game ever!)
Best movies of 2007 by Kurt Loder – Am I they only one that thought Michael Clayton was horribly BORING!?
w00t named word of the year
Merchants aren’t allowed to have a minimum purchase for CCs – I had no idea! Also, they aren’t supposed to ask for your ID but in my opinion that’s a good thing when they do that.
Save gas by making fewer left turns – it worked for UPS allowing them to save 3 million gallons of gas
The pros and cons of coffee drinking – coffee helps kidney stones? perhaps i should drink more then!

Gift Cheat Sheets

Ooooh, I love this idea! swissmiss has free printable cheat sheets for easier gift gifting. There’s one for girls and one for boys. Each sheet lets you mark down what size each person is. I was just shopping for clothes for my sister today and I couldn’t remember what size she wears! This sure would have been helpful.

Christmas Cheat Sheets