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February 2025



7 Weird/Unusual Facts About Me

I’ve been tagged by Willa and Nancy.

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. I hatehatehate talking on the phone. Please don’t call me. (But feel free to text me!)
2. There are two things I’m obsessed with right now. Scrabble and blogging. At any given moment I’m probably doing one or the other. (Or like now, I’m doing both!). I love the scrabble app on facebook so if you want, add me! (hummus at ucla dot edu)
3. I can’t swallow pills for the life of me. I don’t know what I’m going to do when I’m old!
4. Today is the first time in my life I’m going to cook a turkey. If it’s good maybe I’ll post about it!
5. I don’t like to drink water. I’m probably constantly dehydrated and have even developed kidney stones. I’ve started drinking flavored sparkling water though so that’s good!
6. I’ve never broken a bone, had a cavity, or even gotten a traffic ticket in my life. Boy, I’m boring!
7. I have really weak arms. Don’t ask me to open a jar or to arm wrestle you, ok?

It seems like everyone has done this already but here are 7 random people: karabee, AmyChoppa, rachel, the martini shaker, big time fancy, sparkliesunshine, and leandra

Friday Links

24 the unaired 1994 pilot – hilarious! i love when they lose the internet connection because george picked up the phone
Tree man who grew “roots” may be cured – the pictures literally gave me goosebumps!
Give a laptop get a laptop promo – If you’ve heard of the one child per laptop program you can now buy 1 and in turn give a child a laptop. pretty cool!
Gross hotel drinking glasses – note to self: don’t use them!
JayZ uses euros in his new video – what’s up with the US dollar??
10 most addictive flash games – click if you don’t want to be productive!
Maddox talks about fashion – and he’s right on hehe
David letterman is cool – seriously, how many rich ppl would do this?

Wendy’s And Rhapsody Give Away 100 Million Songs

Just a reminder if you eat at Wendy’s and order a medium or large combo, you’ll get a free music download from Rhapsody!

Wendy’s is one of my favorite fast food chains so I’ll definitely be eating there. The promotion lasts through December.

Dish Drainer Project

If you’re really serious about going green and conserving water you have to get this dish drainer plant holder. Yes, you hang your dishes to dry on the rack and the water is used to water the plants ha ha.

Dish Drainer Project


Taken from Indexed – witty drawings on index cards

Watch out for her book early next year.

Chessboxing – Weirdest Sport Ever?

I just read about chessboxing. What is chessboxing you’re wondering? Well it’s exactly what it sounds like. A combination of chess (yes that game nerds play) and boxing (the one where people wear gloves and beat up each other). Here are a the rules of chessboxing:

A match between two opponents consists of up to eleven alternating rounds of boxing and chess sessions, starting with a four-minute chess round followed by two minutes of boxing and so on. Between rounds there is a 1 minute pause, during which competitors change their gear. The form of chess played is “speed chess” in which each competitor has a total of twelve minutes for the whole game. Competitors may win by knockout, checkmate, a judge’s decision or if their opponent’s twelve minutes of chess time elapses. If a contestant doesn’t make a move in the chessround, he will be issued a warning by the referee. At the second warning the contestant will be disqualified.

There is even an official world chess boxing organization!!

Here was the latest lightweight champion:

I’m so fascinated by this subject because it’s such a melding of two opposites. When I think of chess, I think of nerdy, scrawny boys not buff, fighting ones!! haha. hilarious!

The Office Blogs

Did you know that several members of the cast of The Office (best show ever!) have blogs??

Dwight Schrute’s blog – written in his character so you know it’s hilarious!
Pam/Jenna’s blog – great post about the strike and what it’s all about here
Angela’s Blog
Meredith/Kate’s blog
Creed Thoughts

nygirlofmydreams Found!

I just read about this last week and the girl was found in 48 hours! Basically, the story is a guy saw a cute girl on the subway and decided to make a website ( with a drawing to track her down:

Less than 48 hours later, he gets a message from a friend of the girl who recognizes her and gets her to send a pic and it’s a match! I love how on her facebook it says she loves “anything romantic”. This is a pretty cool story to share!

Also, read about this Halo 3 marriage proposal. hilarious!

Musings On The Weekends That Aren’t Worth Being A Real Post

I know I don’t usually post on the weekends but I was reading about this kiwi pomegranate salsa and I can’t decide if that looks good or….not so good. I like all three ingredients separately (love them actually) but together I can’t imagine what that would taste like. Thoughts?

Free 8×10 Photo From Walgreens

Walgreens offers a free 8×10″ photo via coupon code “FREE8X10“. You must visit a local Walgreens to pick up the photo, which is typically ready in one hour.

Walgreens locations