Archive for January 15th, 2007
Clubbing Techniques 101
I just found out boyrobot’s friend from back up north finally launched his Clubbing Techniques 101 website. I remember viewing this video a long time ago and now it’s gotten so big. Supposedly, there are people using his techniques (THE FATALITY!) all over clubs everywhere! Too bad I don’t go clubbing. It would be so […]
Posted: 15 January, 2007 in Fun.
Comments: 2
Burger Cake Recipe
This is such a cute cake idea and actually doesn’t seem that hard since it mostly uses cake box mixes. Taken from fabulous foods. I also like it a lot because it mixes fruit with the cake…the lettuce is kiwi and the tomatoes are strawberries! I love it.
Posted: 15 January, 2007 in Health/Diet/Recipes.
Comments: 3