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October 2024



Archive for category bucket list


Anyone out there anymore? I remember a time when I used to blog every single day. Now, I can barely find the time to make a post once a month! There are actually a billion other things I could or should be doing, but I thought I should carve out some time to update this […]


A few weeks ago I turned 33. It’s weird to write that. 33 seems like such an old number. I still feel like I’m in my early 20s! Every year my age feels more distant to me. Like…am I really 33? I just can’t believe it. In honor of my new age…I’ve come up with […]

One Day

This video makes me want to stop taking pictures of my trips and just make videos! A Taste of Vietnam from Daniel Klein on Vimeo.

50 Meals To Eat In 50 States

I love lists. And I especially love FOOD LISTS! I am totally saving this next one I found called 50 Meals to Eat in 50 States Before the Apocalypse Sadly, I have only eaten at ONE of these places and that is Lotus of Siam in Nevada. Which is reallllly good! My top restaurant that […]

The Omnivore 100

I’m all about trying everything once, especially when it comes to FOOD. I think the hardest thing for me to eat was escargot. I just don’t like the thought of eating something like that but I did it! I think I’d have to draw a line at insects though. That’s a no go for me. […]

Brain Dump Mondays: The Bucket List

I know I know, that movie The Bucket List looks cheesy, but I love the concept! I’ve decided to add a new category called the “bucket list” which consists of things I want to do. I will continue to add to it from here on out. Most items on my to do list are usually […]