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Archive for category Misc

Max’s 8th Year Birthday Questions

O M G. It’s November and it just hit me that I never made a bday post for Max. That’s what happens when you’re the 2nd kid ???? But it’s ok…I just have to sift through the copious amount of pictures to jog my memory! For his birthday this year, we kept it low-key since […]

Emma’s 10th Year Bday Questions

My first kid to reach double digits! I find myself looking at tiny toddlers and remembering Emma waddling around and then seeing just how big she is now. They tell you how fast it goes but it’s still shocking how time flies. I know she will be a teenager and off to college before I […]

Max’s 7th Year Birthday Questions

My baby is 7 now and definitely can’t be called a baby anymore!!! He also finished up Kindergarten which is so unbelievable to me as I can still remember the day we came home with him. Parenting is so bittersweet. I love seeing the person he is growing up to be but I sure do […]

Emma’s 9th Year Birthday Questions

I was just rereading last year’s birthday summary and forgot that last year we had planned to go to Legoland for Emma’s 8th birthday and it got canceled because of Covid! Well, we made it out here for her 9th!! We ended up booking a hotel stay at MarBrisa Resort in Carlsbad which is right […]

Emma’s 7th Year Birthday Questions

I think every year Emma grows older, I am shocked that I have a (fill in the age) year old. I can sort of feel her independence growing every year and even though it fills me with immense sadness, I love seeing the person she is growing into. I still remember when I was her […]

My Whole30 Experience And My Lazy Recommendations

I finally bit the bullet and attempted my first ever Whole30 this past month. In case you don’t know what it is, it is not a diet but more of a month long detox of 4 simple food groups. I was very intimidated to do this because to be honest, I rarely cook anymore and […]

Happy 37th Birthday To Me

It’s so crazy to think in 3 years I’m going to be turning 40. That sounds so super old. It’s hard to imagine I’m at this point in my life where I am married, own a house, and have 2 kids!!!! When did all of this happen? I still feel like a kid most of […]

2.5 Month Update On Emma

I should really be keeping track of Emma’s milestones more…she’s growing up so fast! I am both anxious to get the baby stage over but also sad. She is so fun to cuddle with right now and I know I will miss it but I really miss being able to go out too! So just […]

My Birth Story

I figured I better write this down before I forget all of the details. To be honest, my birth story is actually quite boring and run of the mill (which is a good thing!). I will try to touch on some of the details that were surprising to me that noone really talks about…so sorry […]

Sad Amazon Review

I was reading reviews for the Family Feud Wii Game (it’s a hot deal at $15!) and I came across this warning entitled “Good game but beware!”: I have a 7 yr old son who LOVES this game and is too happy to play it for hours. The questions are challenging (at times) for an […]