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October 2024



Archive for category Cool Links

Friday Links

I know….finally…a post that’s not baby related! :) I’m on jury duty this week so I feel like I have so much more time! I thought I would post some Friday Links…forgive me if some of them are old. A boy and his marmot friends – seriously….so amazingly cute. is this even real?? Bill Gates […]


A few weeks ago I turned 33. It’s weird to write that. 33 seems like such an old number. I still feel like I’m in my early 20s! Every year my age feels more distant to me. Like…am I really 33? I just can’t believe it. In honor of my new age…I’ve come up with […]

Isaac’s Live Lip Dub Proposal

This might be my 2nd favorite proposal video ever (after this one) I just love how he got everyone involved! Def brought tears to my eyes :)

Birth Stories

I’m obsessed with reading birth stories. Here is a collection of them written from famous bloggers around the web. My favorite ones were Dooce’s and Finslippy’s. These were laughing out loud funny to me. I also noticed that most birth stories contain a moment of wishing for death at some point. ugh! This one from […]

Things That Make Me…

Is it the pregnancy hormones or did these two things make you cry too? Beautiful wedding story Father comes homes from Afganistan disguised as Captain America And this made me lol: Is it possible to run a marathon without training?

My Favorite Steve Jobs Links

The topic of the day is the death of Steve Jobs of course. I wanted to share the links and videos that I’ve found the most interesting. Wozniak on the death of Jobs Steve Jobs was always kind to me – Brian Lam, former Gizmodo editor apologizes for the iPhone 4 prototype debacle Steve Jobs […]

Want To Cry?

Read this. :(

If This Than That (ifttt)

Just discovered this cool website called ifttt. It uses different internet feeds to automate useful tasks for you. For example, you can have any facebook photos that you are tagged in automatically downloaded, get an email or text message if it’s going to rain that day, or even send a text message that will call […]

Friday Links

Harvard dropouts, 40 years later – interesting read on some fascinating people Reverse grafitti – Instead of spray cans, these artists clean up dirt…you just have to see it! embroidered portraits – these are amazing…who says embroidery is for old grandmas? Animals being dicks – these gifs are hilarious Dear photograph – old photographs in […]

Friday Links

Wow, I finally remembered to write up a Friday Links post!! Enjoy. Girl gets bumped on her bike by a car – turns out she’s a cop and the guy who bumped her is a really dumb drug dealer. good read! Okie noodling (fishing with your hands) – I had NO idea this was a […]