Monday Brain Dump: I Can’t Do It.
I tried really hard. I just can’t maintain this blog while planning my wedding at the same time. I’m not even going to lie and say I’ll try to squeeze out 1 or 2 posts a week. With the wedding almost a month away (eeek!), it is now seriously crunch time. I have tons and tons to do. If I’m surfing the web or posting, I most certainly should not be since I have 10 million things on my “to do list”. But I’ll be back! August 8th is the big day. I’ll do a crazy detailed post about my wedding for all of the people who couldn’t make it. I need to share all of the small details that we worked on that probably no one will notice except for us hehe. All I ask is that I survive this month! When I come back I will be a Mrs.
See you on the other side…
Posted: 6 July, 2009 in Personal.
Comment from Sheryl
Posted: July 6, 2009 at 10:51 pm
Weddings are definitely time consuming and tiring! So, it’s totally understandable that you need to take a break from blogging. Good luck with the wedding planning. I’m sure it’ll be a day you and your loved ones will always remember =) Looking forward to your wedding post!