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August 2009



Archive for August, 2009


I’ll be back in a week….

While I Was Away Video

This video is everywhere right now but it’s so hilarious. So in case you haven’t seen it:

Cruise Compete

Ok…I need to get back into the blogging swing of things now that the wedding’s over. Sorry… for the past week I’ve been in the process of moving my stuff and getting into the groove of my new life. Unfortunately, I am leaving this friday for my honeymoon (yay!) so there will be another short […]

My First Dance Video

Ok…so this video was the highlight of our wedding in my opinion! My little brother made this video for us. It took over 1000 photos and took over 40 hours (we’re not really sure…it was probably even more than that!) to make. The original purpose of the video was so that nobody would watch boyrobot […]

UCLA Engagement Pictures

Here are our engagement pictures. We took them at UCLA where boyrobot and I first met! Our wedding colors were blue and yellow…it was only fitting right? BTW…all of these pictures were taken by Caroline Tran, the BEST photographer in socal. I might be a bit biased but seriously….if you are in the market for […]

I’m So Happy. Hooray!

OMG. It’s 2am and I finally fixed my wordpress (the dashboard has been screwy for the past month). I wasn’t sure what I was going to do cause nobody was helping me on the forums and google had no answers for me either. And then I figured it out!! It feels good. Now I can […]

Last Post As A Single Robot

Ok I lied. The next time I posted wouldn’t be when I’m a Mrs. (that’s still weird to say!) I decided to write one more time before I gave up my singledom forever! There is so much to say, I don’t even know where to start. It’s been almost 2 years now since I first […]