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September 2009



Archive for September, 2009

How To Cook Beef

Here is a handy dandy chart if you love beef! It shows every cut of beef and how to prepare it. You can click here to view a larger version.

September Desktop Wallpaper

I like these collection of wallpapers…. and they have the monthly calendar displayed on them! And yes there are less cute-sy ones! hehe. check out the rest here .

My iPhone Apps

Ok I’ve been talking about doing a post like this for quite awhile. You all know how much I loooove my iPhone and it really has to do with the awesome selection of apps they have. You can pretty much find one for anything. It makes my phone pretty much useful in every situation. It […]

Massive Pig Summarizes The US Healthcare Debate

Here’s a video on the US healthcare debate which is pretty hot right now especially with that whole Joe Wilson debacle. I think the whole healthcare issue is pretty confusing but I definitely know something is wrong with ours. If you’ve ever had any kind of medical condition or had major medical work done you’ll […]

Sunday Links

No…this is not going to be a regular occurrence. But after all of these months of not posting my Friday Links I have a huge backlog so I give you a Sunday Link Dump! Enjoy! And watch out for my daily postings to return. I’m baaaack! :) Today’s KKK – Life magazine takes a look […]

Honeymoon Recap

Sometimes it’s nice having a blog. Now when someone asks me “how was Bora Bora?” I can just point everyone to this post with details and pretty pictures to boot! In a word, Bora Bora is just plain breathtaking. I kept exclaiming, “Wow! It looks just like it does on the internet. ha ha” I […]