Daily Mugshot
One of the things I’ve wanted to do for awhile is to take a picture of myself every day. Since it’s a new year and my new laptop has a webcam I thought what better day to start doing this than today! I can’t wait to see how the progression of photos will look this time next year. :)
To accomplish this goal, I’ve started using a website called Daily Mugshot. They send you a reminder every day to take a picture of yourself and have a great program set up that makes taking pictures of yourself very easy!! I just set my account up and had it synced up to my webcam. They have “landmarks” that basically bookmark certain features of your face so when you take a picture each day it will be in the same position and will look more consistent. You can even make a flipbook of the images after! Anyways, try it out if you’re interested in doing something like this.
Posted: 1 January, 2010 in Cool Links.