Sad Amazon Review
I was reading reviews for the Family Feud Wii Game (it’s a hot deal at $15!) and I came across this warning entitled “Good game but beware!”:
I have a 7 yr old son who LOVES this game and is too happy to play it for hours. The questions are challenging (at times) for an adult, but a clever child could do very well, also. My son gets many answers I don’t even think of!
HOWEVER….one of the questions we ran across last night was, “Name an age children stop believing in the tooth fairy” Oh my gosh, my heart sank :-( He took it in stride and never said a thing after, but now I’m worried there’s a Santa question too!! This is rated “E”, but perhaps the creators don’t yet have children?? I don’t know but it was a HUGE disappointment for me…. The game is great but I just didn’t see that coming.
Can you imagine finding out about the non-existence of the Tooth Fairy/Santa Claus through a video game?!?!?! SAD.
Posted: 29 April, 2010 in Misc.