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December 2010



Things For The House I Love Pt. 3

Back when I was in college and pretty much until now, I didn’t really know how to take care of my kitchen stuff. Now that I am buying more high end things, I’m trying to learn the correct way to handle my stuff so they last longer. For instance, I have pots and pans and some knives that have all of these rust stains on them from me washing them and not drying them right away! I thought I would just have to get rid of them and buy new ones but instead, I learned about this product called Bar Keeper’s Friend:

It’s pretty much…AMAZING. With minimal scrubbing all of my stains went away. My knives are spotless now! I can’t wait to try these on the hard water stains in our bathrooms and sinks! This is my favorite cleaning product ever.

My next favorite item is this brand that Target carries called Caldrea. While I was in FL, I bought one of these sets that includes a hand soap, dishwasher soap, and counter spray in a flavor called Citron Ginger. It’s all natural and kind of pricy (but I got reimbursed for things like this through work so I splurged!). Anyways, the smell is SOOO good. Sometimes I just want to keep washing my hands because the smell is so invigorating. It’s an instant pick-me-up and destresser. Looove it!



Comment from J
Posted: December 15, 2010 at 4:46 am

How do you get reimbursed for cleaning supplies through work? Sounds like a pretty sweet deal.

Comment from Quynh
Posted: December 15, 2010 at 2:26 pm

I love that bread too! My favorite is Ginger Pomelo :)

Comment from girlrobot
Posted: December 16, 2010 at 10:23 pm

when I travel for work they reimburse us for bath and body products and cleaning supplies !