Elephant Baby Shower
A few pictures from the baby shower my sister and cousins threw me this past weekend.
Front door with my sister’s hand dyed bunting
An amazing diaper cake from my cousin. I loved this…we needed diapers!
Favor table. I loved the glassine envelopes my sister sewed with the most beautiful elephant cookies inside.
My sister covered my house with these bouquets in mason jars. So happy I now have a bunch of mason jars to reuse! :)
Cupcake push pops….these were my fave!
Cookies…my sister made all of the desserts by the way
The iron a onesie station. My sister cut out a bunch of decals that people could use to iron onto a onesie. I’ll have to take a picture of the finished products..they are all still hanging in my living room!
It’s a girl heart paper straws…so cute
It’s us! We’re going to be parents soon….eeek!
Chocolate lollipops my cousin made. Loved these!
More pictures of the pretty dessert table
Our main food was catered Viet food that my MIL ordered. It was really yummy! Loved the decorations in this photo too.
One of the many fun games we played. This one is where the guests try to guess my waist size.
This one is guess the baby food. We actually had a tie so the two winners had to see who could eat a jar of baby food the fastest. It was hilarious!
Then my camera died. Boo. One of my favorite games that wasn’t shown here was when they passed out advice cards and we read them as I opened each person’s gift. Some really funny stuff…mostly how I should make Minh do everything :)
Thanks to my sister and cousins for throwing the best baby shower and thank you to all of my friends who came and “showered” us with love and such generous gifts. We can’t wait to meet our little one!
Posted: 7 March, 2012 in Personal.
Comment from yang
Posted: March 8, 2012 at 11:33 am
wow your photos came out really nice! it was definitely the best baby shower I’ve ever been to. so glad we got to be part of it and thanks for the yummy leftovers! :)
Comment from suki
Posted: March 8, 2012 at 7:42 am
wow, that diaper cake looks fancy! :) love it. what a fun time. congratulations!