Archive for category Health/Diet/Recipes
What’s In Season: November Recipes
*This is part of an ongoing series in which I highlight the foods that are in season for the current month and some yummy recipes from around the web Here are the fruits and veggies in season for November: Vegetables *pumpkins *winter squash *sweet potatoes *broccoli *mushrooms *spinach Fruit *cranberries *oranges *tangerines *pears *pomegranates Pumpkin […]
Posted: 4 November, 2008 in Health/Diet/Recipes.
Comments: 2
20 Food Myths
This is a great article dispelling 20 popular food myths. Ones I didn’t know: #2: Boiling drains away all nutrients from vegetables – It’s true that you lose some minerals but not all! #13 You can’t deep fry in olive oil – I always avoided this because of the whole lower smoking point argument (which […]
Posted: 23 October, 2008 in Health/Diet/Recipes, Tips/Tricks/Hacks.
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Halloween Potluck Recipes
Boyrobot and I are going to a halloween potluck this year and I’ve been trying to find recipes that are fitting for the holiday. I think I’ll be making these cheddar cobwebs because it sounds yummy and more importantly….easy! hehe. and I’m contemplating having boyrobot bring this Pumpkin Cocktail Or this spiderweb cheesecake (cheater recipe) […]
Posted: 21 October, 2008 in Health/Diet/Recipes.
Comments: 2
Rice Cooker Bread
I saw this amazing video on how to cook bread in your rice cooker and I just had to share: Here are the instructions on wikihow. I read that the bread is more chewy than normal bread…sounds yummy to me! I can’t wait to try it. Also, if you’re a fan of the no knead […]
Posted: 8 October, 2008 in Health/Diet/Recipes.
Comments: 1
What’s In Season: October Recipes
*This is part of an ongoing series in which I highlight the foods that are in season for the current month and some yummy recipes Here are the fruits and veggies in season for October: Vegetables * sweet potatoes * pumpkins * winter squash * broccoli * spinach * lettuce Fruits * cranberries * apples […]
Posted: 1 October, 2008 in Health/Diet/Recipes.
Comments: 2
Avoid White Rabbit Candy
omg! This sucks. White Rabbit milk candy supposedly has melamine in it. I thought this deserved its own post because everybody loves White Rabbit milk candy!! Or at least my asian friends hehe.
Posted: 24 September, 2008 in Health/Diet/Recipes.
Comments: 1
How Long Do Foods Stay Fresh In The Fridge
I’m really paranoid about getting food poisoning as long time readers can attest ha ha. So I’ve been compiling these lists for awhile now. I’m going to print it out and hang this on my fridge (when i have a fridge!) From the early show: PASTA SAUCE: LASTS 5 DAYS ONCE OPENED MAYONAISE: LASTS 2 […]
Posted: 16 September, 2008 in Health/Diet/Recipes, Tips/Tricks/Hacks.
Comments: 3
What’s In Season: September Recipes
*This is part of an ongoing series in which I highlight the foods that are in season for the current month and some yummy recipes Here are the fruits and veggies in season for September: Vegetables * eggplants * pumpkins * tomatoes * spinach * lettuce Fruits * grapes * pomegranates Honey Garlic Grilled Eggplant […]
Posted: 2 September, 2008 in Health/Diet/Recipes.
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Basic Dipping Sauces & Salad Dressings
I hate when I make a salad and find out I’m out of dressing or my dressing has expired! Here are some quick ones you can make using ordinary ingredients that you probably have in your fridge/cupboard. honey mustard balsamic vinaigrette 2 parts olive oil 1 part balsamic vinegar a bit of honey a bit […]
Posted: 20 August, 2008 in Health/Diet/Recipes.
Comments: 3
What’s In Season: August
An easy way to save money when you cook a lot is to know what’s in season. These items will most likely be on sale. With this thought, I’m going to try to start a new monthly post where I tell you what items are in season for this month and I suggest some recipes. […]
Posted: 31 July, 2008 in Health/Diet/Recipes.
Comments: 2