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Archive for category Tips/Tricks/Hacks

cucumbers are the new apples

i’ve always hated cucumbers but as i’ve grown older i’ve become more open minded about food. reading these facts about cucumbers has me inspired to give these tasteless veggies another try! these surprised me the most: Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin […]

72 Steps To A Healthier Home

Just read a useful article about 72 steps to a healthier home. The following are more of notes to myself that I should be doing. Click the link for the full list. 3. Air out dry cleaning. Take off plastic bags before you come inside so that any residual perchloroethylene, a common dry-cleaning solvent and […]

20 Simple Things That Are Therapeutic

Feeling stressed? Here is a link to an article of 20 things that are therapeutic. There were some I had never heard of like: eating pumpkin seeds or avocados, drinking lavender tea, and this cool website called sound sleeping I started listening to it while I was blogging….it is relaxing!! hehe Blogging by the way […]

When To Replace Things

Just read this informative article about when it’s time to replace things. Oops…some of these I’ve used way past the due date :/ 1. Pillows Replace after: One to two years 2. Mattresses Replace after: Seven years 3. Contact Lens Equipment Replace after: Three months If you buy contact lens solutions in bulk, chuck opened […]

The Dirty Dozen Cheat Sheet

I know I’ve blogged about which foods you should bother buying organic but when I’m at the grocery store, I totally forget!! Now I can print this cheat sheet out to keep in my wallet. So handy and the graphics are so cute! To buy organic… or not…

Guide To Shopping For Men

This seems obvious but you’d be surprised how many men don’t know how to pick a proper fitting suit. Print this out and clue your male friends, bfs, husbands, fathers, brothers, etc in! Read the rest of Esquires Guide To Shopping article for more tips

How To Cheat On A Test Using A Coke Bottle

First off, girlrobot does not condone cheating… but this is so clever! (Click the image for the full resolution webpage)

100 Home Remedies

I’m all about trying home remedies..usually they don’t work but you never know! hehe. I am definitely going to try these next time I am sick, especially when I get those coughs that never go away! Garlic for insects and mosquitoes: Eating lots of garlic can keep insects and mosquitoes from biting and stinging. Leg […]

Recycling Rules

Did you know Earth Day is coming up? It’s in a few days on April 22nd! Ever since we got the house, I’ve been trying to be much more environmentally friendly. Not only for the earth but for our own health. From cleaning products to the food we eat to our laundry detergent…i am trying […]

Helpful Websites for Web Development

Some cool websites: Favicon Generator – easily create a favicon with your own picture. See? I just created mine….need to find a cooler picture though! Browsershots – see what your website looks like in different browsers Kuler – my design friend showed me this website a long time ago. it’s a great way to find […]