Archive for May 22nd, 2007
Peru and Scrapblogging
As promised I posted up some pictures on my photolog webpage. Unfortunately, I did not get very far. Hopefully, I’ll have my Machu Picchu pics up by the end of this week which are the most exciting. I experimented with online scrapbooking. There is Scrapbooking web 2.0 now at I started my Peru scrapbook, […]
Posted: 22 May, 2007 in Cool Links, Personal.
Comments: 2
How To Cope With Kidney Stones
For the ones who haven’t heard, I found out I had kidney stones while I was travelling in Peru!! It wasn’t fun. I’ve been doing a lot of research on kidney stones. I’ve read a lot of people saying drinking olive oil + lemon works. That sounds gross. Maybe I will try that after I […]
Posted: 22 May, 2007 in Personal, Tips/Tricks/Hacks.
Comments: 5