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November 2008



Monday Brain Dump: Note To Self

I need to take more pictures. My camera is seriously getting dusty and my weekend recap posts might be a little more interesting with pictures to go with it!

Start xmas shopping early.
Every year I wait til the last minute to buy my xmas gifts and then regret that I didn’t start earlier so I could be on the lookout for hot deals. Right now you can get 25% cashback on any ebay buy it now auction if you use This literally equates to getting anything you want for 25% off…I just tried it and it works! Why am I not buying all of my xmas gifts right now?

Do more wedding planning. Ever since we pushed our date back 2 months, I’ve been procrastinating on anything wedding related. We have our save the dates done, we just need to send them out. Why can’t I just hit send? (They’re electronic save the dates hehe). Not to mention the millions of other things I could be working on for our wedding.

Bring my lunch to work. For awhile I was obsessed with bento boxes. I still am actually. I pore over bento pictures and recipes everyday and bookmark them for future lunches. Have I made one yet? Nope. I really need to start bringing my lunch more often. It forces me to eat healthier (instead of opting for a fast food lunch) and controls the amount I eat.



Comment from Louise
Posted: November 3, 2008 at 10:08 am

If you make a little extra for dinner, you can pack the leftovers away for lunch the next day. Or if you don’t want to get sick of eating the same thing twice, you can always freeze it and bring it on another day.

Comment from J
Posted: November 3, 2008 at 12:54 pm

I try to bring lunch to work as often as possible. Not only is it healthier, but it is also cheaper. I know that a lot of people don’t like to eat leftovers though. You can always bring some combination of a sandwich, soup, salad, yogurt, nuts, fruit, cheese, etc.

Comment from Lori
Posted: November 3, 2008 at 5:46 pm

Hi girlrobot! i was reading about your getting some weeding stuff done ( or not actually..) and i was wondering if you had ever seen the website it is a handmade goods site. one seller has a lot of robot etched glaasware that might be cute for your wedding, since you call your fancy boyrobot, here’s the page:

the sellers name is BreadandBadger if i did that wrong.

hope this helps a little!