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December 2009



2009 Recap

This has been one crazy year for me. When I think back on it, I still can’t believe it all happened in 1 year!!

Things I did:
– moved twice
– turned the big 3-0!
– got married!!!
– went rappelling down a cave
– bought a house!!
– replaced all of my wedding RSS feeds with home design blogs
– shut down two of my blogs (RIP Qeeper and oneredstring!)
– bought an iPhone
– bought a new laptop (although I haven’t gotten to play with it yet…can’t wait!)

Places I went:
– Bora Bora
– Honolulu, Hawaii
– Baja Mexico Cruise
– SF
– Vegas
– FL
– Costa Rica

Things I plan to do in 2010:
– hopefully make it out to Seattle to visit my sister
– start up 2 more blogs (ha ha)
– visit Vietnam and/or Thailand! (and where else??)
– cooking again and hosting parties!
– furnish and decorate my new home!
– enjoy the married life before we start popping out babies :O

Person I would like to be in 2010:
– a more thoughtful friend
– appreciate my family and make more time for them, especially my grandparents!
– a more fit and healthy person
– a more patient and loving wife…I really want to be the best wife I can be!
– try to be a little less awkward and more friendly around strangers :)
– a more consistent blogger (sorry for not posting the last few weeks…I’ve been enjoying my break!)

Work is really great right now. I work with the best team ever. And I work for a really awesome manager. I never stress out at work and I can’t think of any job that would suit me better right now. I love programming!!

Married life is good. People always ask me how the married life is. Well it’s very good! But it’s actually the same really. Maybe living in our own home will be different but so far so good. I could not ask for a more patient hubbie who always lets me know that I am forever loved. We still have lots of fun with each other and I can’t wait for all of the fun we will have with our own place!!! Please come over and play board games with us :)

Family and friends are all doing pretty well. I think in the past year I’ve neglected nurturing my relationships with my friends and family. I’ve just been SO busy…what with the wedding, moving, and house hunting. And I never felt like I had my own space while living at boyrobot’s house. I did no crafting, cooking, or entertaining. That will all change when I move though!! I think I will feel more like myself after I move and will make sure that all of my friends and family know that I truly appreciate them and am there for them 100%!

It’s scary to say but I think life is pretty much perfect right now. I couldn’t be happier!!! It’s just been one of those years where everything just…worked. I’m kind of scared of what 2010 will bring me… !!


Comment from RiSE
Posted: January 1, 2010 at 10:57 am

foodbot 2010! i cant wait for the resurrection!

Happy New Year!!

Comment from girlrobot
Posted: January 1, 2010 at 8:24 pm

ryan i have something very close to that planned for 2010! :)