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February 2025



Random Acts Of Cookies

Inspired by this post, I thought I would share some of my drool-worthy cookie recipes. I fully support the idea of randomly giving people cookies to brighten their day. It would certainly brighten mine!

If I were to randomly bake you some cookies, which one would you like??

Brown Sugar Blueberry Cookies by howsweeteats

White Chocolate Strawberry Cookies by recipe shoebox

Cookies and Cream Cookies by Recipe Shoebox

Blueberry and Cream Cookies by modern girl

Puffy Peanut Butter Cookies With Chocolate Chips by How Sweet Eats

David Lebovitz’s Chocolate Chip Cookies

Vote For Me

I’m having a hard time finding good movies on Netflix streaming. Does anyone have any recommendations?

My sister and her husband told me about this documentary called Vote For Me. If you love documentaries I highly recommend this. I would rank it #2 in my favorite documentaries of all time. (#1 is Spellbound). I LOVED this movie….so funny!

It’s about a 3rd grade class in China where they are learning about democracy. They let the class vote on who gets to be the next class monitor. It’s funny to see these little kids end up modeling real life politicians in some ways. And so funny to see how serious things get. Here is the trailer but I don’t think the trailer was done very well. If i watched the trailer only, i probably wouldn’t have been enticed to watch it…but I swear it’s good! :)

BTW, it’s in chinese so you’ll have to read subtitles. :P

Tips On Freezing

The worst part about cooking for 2 is all of the leftover ingredients you have. For instance, if I make a dessert with buttermilk in it, I almost always have an almost full carton of buttermilk that goes to waste! Or even certain fresh herbs or bread. Over the years, I keep getting tips on new things that can be frozen. So I decided to compile a little handy dandy list for all you people who are like me! Here is a list of things that are freezable and some tips about them:

nuts – my sisters taught me this one! now i always have walnuts and pecans for my salads. yay!
bananas – freeze them and use them for banana bread or smoothies
buttermilk – the tutorial (at the end of the page) says to separate them into 1 C bags for easy measuring later on.
butter – you can stock up when it goes on sale
veggie scraps and chicken bones – save the ends of onions, carrots, etc and bones from any chicken you cook with for the freezer and make chicken stock when you have enough
herbs – rosemary, thyme, basil, and an overall good tutorial on freezing herbs
bread – try to suck out all of the air (using a straw or something) to prevent freezer burn. for sliced, you can just leave it out for about 15 mins for it to thaw. or you can throw it in the toaster!

so these are the most common items that i tend to freeze with no problems but the possibilities are endless really. just google it next time you have too much of something that might go to waste!

Some Folding Tips

Since owning a house, I’m kind of obsessed with how I fold things. (I know. Weird, right?) I think I blogged about how to fold a fitted sheet before which I have been using up til now but to be honest, it still came out to be somewhat of a folded blob. Well recently I tried Martha Stewart’s technique. Mine definitely do not look like her perfectly folded sheets at the end but it’s a step above my previous way so I thought I would share this in case others care about weird things like me. :)


Also check out how to fold your towels like a department store! hehe


Are you on google+ yet? Follow me!

I’ll be sharing links on there that don’t make it to And at the rate I’ve been updating this website…it should be a lot more entertaining :P If you’d like an invite, leave a comment or email me.

So far I’m not really sure how I like it. I do know I’m sick of facebook though and I love most google products. google+ seems more like a twitter+facebook mashup. But since my life pretty much revolves around google I expect sharing things with friends to be much easier through this interface. For once, I would actually love having an android….the iPhone does not have any google apps…they are just links to the mobile versions of all of the google sites which aren’t that great. BOO!

Here is a good article on why you should switch from facebook to google+

Friday Links

Harvard dropouts, 40 years later – interesting read on some fascinating people
Reverse grafitti – Instead of spray cans, these artists clean up dirt…you just have to see it!
embroidered portraits – these are amazing…who says embroidery is for old grandmas?
Animals being dicks – these gifs are hilarious
Dear photograph – old photographs in their current location. I’ve always wanted to do this with our old photographs
3 Boys lost at sea – this is a long read but kept my attention the whole way. it’s a real life story of 3 boys who survive 51 days at sea with very few provisions.


The Best Post Exercise Drink & Other Random Tips

You’ll never guess what studies have shown to be the best drink after exercising…it’s low-fat chocolate milk!

You know what make the best ice packs? DIAPERS! Yeah, the most annoying part about homemade ice packs is when the ice melts…and this takes care of that. Pretty genius!

Did you know you can use duct tape to remove a splinter? Read on for more reasons to have duct tape in your first aid kit

how to clean stains from weird shaped bottles. Pretty easy with denture cleaning tablets!

4 ways to make cut flowers last longer – my flowers are growing like crazy! can’t wait to bring them into the house :)

Have you ever been scared of hitting your thumb when using a hammer? Well hold the nail in place with some pliers instead!

Holding Doors Open

omg. The last one happens to me almost weekly at work! and then I feel the need to do it to other people or else I wonder if they think I’m being rude if I don’t. vicious cycle.


Friday Links

Wow, I finally remembered to write up a Friday Links post!! Enjoy.

Girl gets bumped on her bike by a car – turns out she’s a cop and the guy who bumped her is a really dumb drug dealer. good read!
Okie noodling (fishing with your hands) – I had NO idea this was a pasttime in OK! random note: the blogger is the wife of my hs class president and she’s super famous in the blogging world! weird!
Transparent kayak – wow, this is so awesome. all kayaks should be transparent!!
Clockbusters (guess the movie based on 3 pictures) – pretty fun if you’re a movie buff
Best Oprah emails to Opera the browser – a little late but worth reading still!
Far side comics reenacted in real life – one of my favorite comics :)

Anybody else have this problem…???

How To Clean Your Sink

One of the things I was supposed to do this month was to clean my sink. Did you know the sink is one of the dirtiest places in your entire house? It is filled with bacteria and other gross stuff that could make you sick. I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve never actually cleaned my sink before! I had to google how to do it ha ha. It’s at the top of my list of things to do this week! For all of you who would like to clean your sink, just follow these easy steps:

1. Fill you sink with hot water (do only 1 side at a time if you have dual sinks)
2. Pour in 1 C of bleach (or vinegar if you don’t like using chemicals/toxins)
3. Let sit for 1 hour
4. Use tongs to pull the stopper and drain all of the water
5. Rinse well
6. Scrub sink with Bar Keeper’s Friend (or baking soda) and rinse dry
7. Then use Windex (or olive oil) to make your sink all shiny!