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February 2025



Lifebook 2010

Recently a friend of mine forwarded me one of those email chains with tips on how to live a better life in 2010 pertaining to your health, personality, community, and life. I know a lot of people think new year’s resolutions are stupid….people rarely fall through with them but at least for a few months (days?) we are reminded to try to better ourselves! Here are the ones from the chain that I enjoyed:

2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants, and eat less food that is manufactured in plants
4. Live with the 3 E’s — Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy
7. Read more books than you did in 2009
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day —- and while you walk, smile

11. Don’t compare your life to others’. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. Don’t take yourself so seriously ; no one else does
18. Forget issues of the past. Don’t remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don’t hate others.

25. Call your family often
27. Forgive everyone for everything
28. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6
31. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch.

35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
37. The best is yet to come

You can read the rest here.

Michael Cera Gets A Jersey Shore Makeover

I love Michael Cera. I love Jersey Shore. Together??? Awesomeness.

Friday Links

H&M and Walmart are cutting up unused clothing instead of donating it – somebody’s getting fired over this….
100 Games Cupcakes – 100 games displayed on cupcakes…so cute!
Nic Cage as everyone – photoshopped images of nic cage as….well everyone!
A letter to my dead gf posted on Craigslist – this is pretty much the saddest thing you’ll read on the internet today
Spot the fake smile – I suck at this game….so I guess I was never really that funny?
Cardsink – it’s like a threadless for cards. cute designs!
Pictures of albatross who have died from eating too much plastic garbage – seriously…how hard is it to throw things away IN A TRASHCAN????

Mario’s closet:

Creeper In Guy’s Apartment

A guy notices that food keeps disappearing from his kitchen. When he asks his gf about it she denies it so he decides to set up a hidden camera to catch her in the act…instead he finds THIS:

From the FAQs:
#1 – Are you sh#ting me?
A – No, this is every bit as real and messed up as it seems

#2 – What did you do when you saw the footage?
A – I immediately left my apartment and called the police.

#3 – Who is that girl?
A – I have no idea, she didn’t say much when the cops came and took her.

#4 – What was it she actually climbed down from?
A – It is a storage loft/area in the apartment. It has no connection to any outside ventilation or anything of that such. It does go pretty deep back in there, almost all the way to over the stove/kitchen area. She had set up a little nook for herself.

#5 – How did she get in there?
A – I have no idea, the only way she could have gotten in is through the window, as I am on the top floor and there is a fire escape. The police think she was probably coming in to rob me when I was gone and decided to stow away in the crawl space. Supposedly this isn’t the first time the cops had come across something like this.

#6 – How long was she in your apartment?
A – The police officers thought it looked as though she had been there for at least a couple weeks, although could have been longer.

My Favorite Google Chrome Extensions

I finally got a new laptop so I decided to give Google Chrome Beta a try. I’ve been using Google Chrome for the past year and have been very happy with it. It’s just been very fast and I love the simple interface. If you’re still using IE, I suggest you switch right now!! If you’re using firefox, I don’t think it’s as big of a deal to switch but I still like it better personally.

The difference between the Beta version and the normal version is that you can install extensions! I have just started browsing through them so I am looking for some cool extension recommendations from other Chrome users. Please tell me which ones you use and like in the comments! Here are the ones I regularly use:

Google Apps Shortcuts – I’m a google apps whore. I regularly use gmail, calendar, docs, tasks, reader, etc so this is a great extension for me so that I can have quick and easy access to all of my google apps.

Evernote Web Clipper – I’ve just recently started using Evernote to organize my life. Since they stopped development on the Google Notebook and Evernote easily syncs with my iPhone, I’ve ported over all of my notes into Evernote and am using this exclusively for recipes, gift ideas, and other things I need/want to remember. With this extension it makes clipping websites super easy!

Aviary Screen Capture – I think most people wouldn’t have a need for this but if you regularly make screen captures for web-related work this extension makes it SO easy!!

Brizzly – if you’re a regular user of facebook/twitter you’ll love this extension. It displays your friend’s latest status messages for you in one easily viewable window. The best part I like about it is if someone twitters a picture you don’t have to click on the link to view…it automatically displays it in the window for you.

Google Mail Checker – I’m an email checking addict so I love this extension. Whenever I am on a computer, I always have to have one tab opened to my gmail so I instantly know when I get new email. Now I no longer have to waste a tab. With this mail checker, the little icon displays how many emails I have at all times! There is also one for google reader if you use that.

There are tons more out there…some very cool ones but those are the main ones I use!

Some Fun Graphs And Charts




United State of Pop 2009: Blame It On The Pop

Every year DJ Earworm does a mashup of the top 25 songs of the year according to Billboard. It’s pretty cool and always very popular on the internet so I’m sure you’ve seen this already but in case you haven’t….

The songs used in the video were:

The Black Eyed Peas – BOOM BOOM POW
Lady Gaga – POKER FACE
Lady Gaga Featuring Colby O’Donis – JUST DANCE
The Black Eyed Peas – I GOTTA FEELING
Taylor Swift – LOVE STORY
Jason Mraz – I’M YOURS
Kanye West – HEARTLESS
The All-American Rejects – GIVES YOU HELL
T.I. Featuring Justin Timberlake – DEAD AND GONE
Kings Of Leon – USE SOMEBODY
Keri Hilson Featuring Kanye West & Ne-Yo – KNOCK YOU DOWN
Jamie Foxx Featuring T-Pain – BLAME IT
T.I. Featuring Rihanna – LIVE YOUR LIFE
Soulja Boy Tell ‘em Featuring Sammie – KISS ME THRU THE PHONE
Jay Sean Featuring Lil Wayne – DOWN
Miley Cyrus – THE CLIMB
Beyonce – HALO
Katy Perry – HOT N COLD

Daily Mugshot

One of the things I’ve wanted to do for awhile is to take a picture of myself every day. Since it’s a new year and my new laptop has a webcam I thought what better day to start doing this than today! I can’t wait to see how the progression of photos will look this time next year. :)

To accomplish this goal, I’ve started using a website called Daily Mugshot. They send you a reminder every day to take a picture of yourself and have a great program set up that makes taking pictures of yourself very easy!! I just set my account up and had it synced up to my webcam. They have “landmarks” that basically bookmark certain features of your face so when you take a picture each day it will be in the same position and will look more consistent. You can even make a flipbook of the images after! Anyways, try it out if you’re interested in doing something like this.

Happy New Years

Happy New Years everyone!

Having problems coming up with some resolutions? Well now there’s a website for that! It’s a New Year’s Resolution Generator.

I decided I will generate 5 random resolutions for 2010 and here are the 5 I got:

1. Avoid drama
2. Talk more, tweet less
3. Forgive Him
4. Plant a tree (or two or three)
5. Not dwell on the past

I think these will be relatively easy for me. Even #4…I was planning on planting some kind of fruit tree in my yard anyways! :) What are your resolutions?

2009 Recap

This has been one crazy year for me. When I think back on it, I still can’t believe it all happened in 1 year!!

Things I did:
– moved twice
– turned the big 3-0!
– got married!!!
– went rappelling down a cave
– bought a house!!
– replaced all of my wedding RSS feeds with home design blogs
– shut down two of my blogs (RIP Qeeper and oneredstring!)
– bought an iPhone
– bought a new laptop (although I haven’t gotten to play with it yet…can’t wait!)

Places I went:
– Bora Bora
– Honolulu, Hawaii
– Baja Mexico Cruise
– SF
– Vegas
– FL
– Costa Rica

Things I plan to do in 2010:
– hopefully make it out to Seattle to visit my sister
– start up 2 more blogs (ha ha)
– visit Vietnam and/or Thailand! (and where else??)
– cooking again and hosting parties!
– furnish and decorate my new home!
– enjoy the married life before we start popping out babies :O

Person I would like to be in 2010:
– a more thoughtful friend
– appreciate my family and make more time for them, especially my grandparents!
– a more fit and healthy person
– a more patient and loving wife…I really want to be the best wife I can be!
– try to be a little less awkward and more friendly around strangers :)
– a more consistent blogger (sorry for not posting the last few weeks…I’ve been enjoying my break!)

Work is really great right now. I work with the best team ever. And I work for a really awesome manager. I never stress out at work and I can’t think of any job that would suit me better right now. I love programming!!

Married life is good. People always ask me how the married life is. Well it’s very good! But it’s actually the same really. Maybe living in our own home will be different but so far so good. I could not ask for a more patient hubbie who always lets me know that I am forever loved. We still have lots of fun with each other and I can’t wait for all of the fun we will have with our own place!!! Please come over and play board games with us :)

Family and friends are all doing pretty well. I think in the past year I’ve neglected nurturing my relationships with my friends and family. I’ve just been SO busy…what with the wedding, moving, and house hunting. And I never felt like I had my own space while living at boyrobot’s house. I did no crafting, cooking, or entertaining. That will all change when I move though!! I think I will feel more like myself after I move and will make sure that all of my friends and family know that I truly appreciate them and am there for them 100%!

It’s scary to say but I think life is pretty much perfect right now. I couldn’t be happier!!! It’s just been one of those years where everything just…worked. I’m kind of scared of what 2010 will bring me… !!