Brain Dump Monday: Back To The Daily Grind
Boooo, I’m so sad my vacation is over. Well, actually I am on a plane right now and will officially start work tomorrow. The break was really wonderful this year. I got pretty cool presents and the home cooked food hit the spot! It always makes me happy to be part of a big family. Now, not only is it my two sisters and brother but also my sister’s husbands and my oldest sister’s three kids! The house is constantly loud all day long because we also almost always have friends over as well. I wonder when I start my own family if it will be as lively…? I wish I had more time, money, and energy to pop out more babies hehehe.
Things I did over christmas break:
- Ate lots of yummy food. Between my sister’s gourmet cooking and my mom cooking all of my favorite growing up foods…I was in food heaven!
- Played a lot of board games. My family is pretty big on board games. We played a new game my sister got Boyrobot, Ticket To Ride, about a million times and of course some Settlers of Catan. We also played our annual game of dominoes with my Dad
- Poker tournaments! We also played a lot of poker. Both of my parents are really into Texas Holdem, it’s so funny to play with them, and we got some pretty big tournaments going including one with 16 people. I won one!
- Altered my wedding dress. and also two of my pants. I love my mama! I’m really happy that everyone seems to like my wedding dress even though it’s pretty simple and it was very cheap. I was worried my mom would think it’s too plain but she loved it! yay!
- Watched Slumdog Millionaire, Valkyrie, and Tropic Thunder. Slumdog Millionaire was pretty good. I really liked the story! Valkyrie was an interesting movie and I liked it but it wasn’t anything unexpected. As for Tropic Thunder, I thought Tom Cruise was amazing in this movie!!!
- Hung out with my 2 nephews and niece. They are all so cute now!!!! Although it made me feel like I want a girl more than a boy. Just because I think I would have so much fun dressing her up hee hee.
- Went through old pictures for my wedding slideshow. This was so funny looking at old pictures of me. I went through a very awkward stage where I not only had glasses and braces but also PERMED HAIR. I also was a complete tomboy who played outside all day and as a result was very dark. Well, since I don’t have a scanner I can’t show you a picture…that’s my excuse! :)
- Lots of karaoke. My brother has leadsinger and we spent a few nights singing our hearts out. I really suck haha.
- Took engagement pictures. My brother and his friend got dSLRs so they’ve been doing engagement pictures for their friends for free. It was pretty fun taking pictures with them because we felt so comfortable with them and there was no pressure. They actually turned out really well…I’m so proud of them! Here is a preview:
Well, I think that wraps up my christmas break this year!
Posted: 5 January, 2009 in Personal.
Comment from Hakushaku
Posted: January 5, 2009 at 9:35 am
Ugggh. Im back to work as well, reading this from the office. I was THIS close to killing myself this morning in order to not come to work, but it was really cold, and the closest thing I could have used to bludgeon myself to death was, like, across the room.
Also, its raining outside.
Seriously. When can I retire?
Comment from J
Posted: January 5, 2009 at 9:57 am
The picture of your iPhone taking a picture is pretty damn cool. Very belated congrats on your engagement.
When I was up at my parents’ house for Christmas, I saw some pictures of me when I was young. I didn’t have a forehead until I was in high school since I had a bowl cut. My hair was also so blond you could see through it. Now it’s brown.
I found out on Saturday that work is having a shutdown so I get this month off. Sounds cool eh? I should say that I get this month off…without pay. Yikes. Welcome to the new economy.
Comment from Kim
Posted: January 5, 2009 at 6:43 pm
I love that picture! post more!!
Comment from RiSE
Posted: January 6, 2009 at 1:42 pm
it should be on every Asians birth certification “NO PERMS”. Ive known too many asian girls that have made that mistake!
Comment from pokebot
Posted: January 7, 2009 at 9:44 pm
love the picture :)
Comment from che
Posted: January 5, 2009 at 9:26 am
your brother did a great job with that pic!!! i want to see moooorree! :D