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December 2024



Archive for category Cool Links

Friday Links

Wow, it’s been awhile since I did a Friday Links post. Forgive me but every time I thought to do one, it wasn’t Friday! I just barely remembered tonight before I head to bed (crazy work schedule that has me waking up at 3am…blegh!) Useful collection of cheat sheet desktop wallpapers for web designers – […]

2 Years In Prison

I thought this was an interesting read…supposedly it’s true…but you never know with the internet right? A man goes to prison for two years, then returns to a thread he started on 99chan to answer questions about it. He goes into quite a bit of detail that’s probably not really safe to read at work. […]

i will be eating like an okinawan for the next 3 weeks

i am in florida for the rest of july and i decided while i’m out here i would follow a diet because i like restrictions and torturing myself. i just hope the local walmart/publix has enough healthy options so that i can follow this. oh, how i miss trader joe’s and whole foods! the healthiest […]

I Have New Found Respect For Keanu Reeves

Yes, I was one of those people that liked to make fun of Keanu’s bad acting skills and wondered how he always got such big movie roles. Well, turns out he’s a pretty decent guy….well more than decent….he sounds awesome according to this reddit thread where people are sharing stories about him. Back in the […]

To Do

Spray some cotton balls with my favorite scent and stick them in my linen closet Buy some new deodorant now that summer is here and get some cute shorts! Learn how to use my new camera then take a cool picture and use it as my google homepage background

Friday Links

Top rated beers at Bevmo – if we ever finish the beers from the wedding, we’ll have to try these hehe Workers find unusual items in Disneyland river – weirdest item was a computer tower Conning Harvard – story of a guy who managed to con several ivy league schools! Fox erases applause from Obama’s […]

Friday Links

Pillow talk – pillows for long distance lovers Last days of late night with Conan (before he started the tonight show) – wow….he totally looks like his mom! The uselessness of air marshals – $860M??? seriously? The making of Lady Gaga – pop=manufactured. she’s a good performer though. boxoh – universal package tracking 10 awesome […]

The 2 Sides Of The Lost Finale

Seems like fans are pretty split on how they felt about the Lost finale. This girl really liked it. This guy hated it. I was somewhere in the middle. Either way, it was a great show and I am sad that it ended. What am I going to do now? No seriously…suggest me what show […]

Inside The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter

And you thought I was a geek before… This whole post is on how excited I am about the Harry Potter theme park!! This writer got to attend a private party at the not-yet-opened park. All of his details (sans pictures because they weren’t allowed) makes it sound like it will be just as good […]

Friday Links (Lost Edition)

In honor of the best tv show ever… Some random links Lost answers – a blog that tracks every question Lost answers Vintage dharma ads Marilyn Manson draws Locke Lost 365 – different Lost illustration a day Recipe for Lost cookies George Lucas writes a letter to Lost Lost wallpaper Some comics: and some videos: […]