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February 2025



Braindump Mondays: Weekend Recap

I went to my first bride expo this weekend! Gosh, everyone there was doing some type of raffle for amazing prizes like a free trip to tahiti or engagement photos, etc. To enter you have to sign your name, email, phone number, and about 10 million other things. By the 5th entry, I started to wonder if this was just a ploy to get all of my info. My friend tells me that it is and no one really wins. Humph. Not doing that again… I did get some cool coupons though like 40% off these cake toppers:

Is this kind of a creepy caketopper?!

Another first was that I pretty much bowled the BEST GAME OF MY LIFE! I had 4 strikes in a single game! I think in my whole life I’ve bowled 4 strikes so to do it in one game is pretty crazy. I won some yummy brodard rolls out of it :)

This weekend has been so unbelievably hot. So much that I can only use my laptop for half an hour before it starts to burn a hole in my lap. So…until it gets cooler, shorter posts!

Friday Links

Portrayal of Bush in ads – it’s kind of sad he’s the leader of our country.
68 celebrities and their childhook pictures – bjork as a kid = scary, bjork as an adult = michael jackson
Now and then photos of people who drive the same cars for long periods of time – OOoohh, I so need to do this with boyrobot’s car! hhaa
All about hypermiling including advanced techniques – my dad told me about the tire pressure one
Where the news breaks first = no surprise it’s NYC in first
Epilepsy site hacked with seizure images – umm that sucks.
How to travel to Japan without paying for a hotel – japanese trains are nice!

How To Handle An Ebay Scammer

This story is so awesome. I think I read an article about it awhile back but I never bothered to read the whole story. It’s 4 pages long and I read every word. It was great!

To sum it up:
1. Guy wants to sell his powerbook on ebay
2. Nigerian scam type guy from the UK wants to buy it from him using a fake escrow service
3. Guy decides to play a prank back at the guy by shipping him a fake powerbook

If the scammer accepts the package, he has to pay the customs fees for it which is about $550
4. The whole time the guy has enlisted the help of the Something Awful forums. They donate money to ship the item and go so far as to stake out the place that is the package’s destination which turns out to be some guy’s barbershop/internet cafe.
5. Scammer accepts the package, gets pissed he got played, tries to send him an email virus, and orchestrates a denial of service attack on the guy’s webpage.
6. Guy disappears and is never heard from again. (WTF!)

Full story here.

Chowhound > Yelp

I’m a Chowhound convert. I used to use Yelp for all of my foodie selections but after being disappointed again and again, I started using Chowhound…the well known website for FOOD SNOBS! I’m not a food snob, but I’ve found that the reviews and suggestions are a lot more on target there. The only bad part about Chowhound is that it’s a forum rather than a review site. So it’s harder to find places by category/location. I usually just use their search tool to find types of food I’m interested in. It’s always interesting to look at the most recent posts….sometimes you’ll find an interesting topic and discover a restaurant/type of food that you never even knew existed in Los Angeles (or wherever you live). Anyways, for all the foodies out there….I present you some useful Chowhound links (for the LA area since that’s where I’m from. Bookmark it! if you’re from out of town…you never know when you’ll be visiting!)

Ultimate Los Angeles Restaurants 2007
Help me leave LA with no regrets
Vote for the best hole-in-the-wall

Mmm. I’m hungry!

Free Southern Style Chicken Sandwich

Don’t forget to pick up your FREE southern style chicken sandwich from McDonald’s today. I am SO getting one of these biscuit ones.

All you have to do is buy a medium or large drink. The biscuit one is only available during their breakfast hours while the chicken sandwich is available the rest of the day.

Urban Dictionary Phrases

Some new phrases I learned!

boyfriend bomb:
When a female you are interested in casually reveals that she has a boyfriend (intentionally or otherwise).
Example: I was about to ask her out but then she dropped the boyfriend bomb.

Text Support:
Advice, encouragement, etc. delivered via text… frequently related to dating and boss hating. Pronounced like tech support.
Example: Hey, thanks for all the text support last night! I have a coffee date with him today.

Textual Relations
To engage in dirty talk with ones partner via text message.
Example: My thumbs are killin me, I was engaged in some heavy duty textual relations!!!

A college-age girl who kisses other girls in bars and clubs, usually for attention and the approval of men.
Clarification: A BISEXUAL girl kisses girls at home when no ones looking. A BARSEXUAL girl only kisses them in places that charge a cover.

“client number nine”:
The moniker given to New York Governor Elliot Spitzer by the Emperor’s Club VIP. Now used to talk about anyone of high social standing when situtations dictate discretion.

“Write Shit Down”. A popular method of organization. Works equally well in one’s personal or professional life.
Example: Dude, you don’t need ritalin. Just use the WSD method – trust me, you won’t forget things anymore and you’ll actually get them done!

400 Calories:
Supposedly making out for 20 minutes burns 400 calories.
Example: Chad: “Hey Lisa want to burn 400 calories?”
Lisa: “Sure Chad, but I’m not taking off my pants…yet.”
{ 20 minutes later }
Chad: “Wanna burn 400 more.”
Lisa: “Let’s go for 2000. Take off your pants.”

backseat surfer:
Anyone who stands over your shoulder as you use the internet, directing your internet(s) navigation
Example: No, I don’t want to check out this totally amazing video on youtube. Stop being a backseat surfer douche bag.

Electile Dysfunction:
The inability to become aroused over any of the choices for President put forth by either party during an election year.

When a woman is turned on by the sight of her husband/boyfriend/partner doing regular household chores, that she would normally be doing.
Example: “Last night, it was all about choreplay. I was all ‘OH YEAH, fold that laundry. Oh yes, just like that! In half and, then in half again. OHHH'”

“I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers”:
A woman who meets an attractiveness threshold above which you would easily forgive minor transgressions such as eating crackers and leaving the inevitable crumbs in your bed.!
Example: Lindsay Lohan might have a little nose candy problem, but still, I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers.

And lastly, my fave…we’ve already started using the phrase all day today.
Homing from Work:
Using work time and resources for personal tasks.
Example: “Did you download those episodes of Entourage I told you about?”
“I told you my home Internet connection sucks ass. I am going to download and burn them at the office while I am homing from work.

[via whatyourbfreallythinks]

Congratulations Hakushaku!

FYI: For some reason, 99% of the time I can’t reply to comments at work. I think it has something to do with the firewall. GRR. Anyways, I was going to reply to Hakushaku’s comment but I kept forgetting/or being too busy when I got home to congratulate him. I didn’t know my praise meant so much to him! So I looked on someecard for an appropriate card for him but all I could find were these:

This is a bit too late seeing as how he’s graduated:

And this is too early. Maybe in a few years I can send him this one again:

JK. I know you’ll pass the first time!

This one would have been so perfect but I think you’ve already deluded someone into hiring you:

Ahhh, that leaves this one:

Congratulations Hakushaku. There…are you happy? :P

PS. Boyrobot sends his congratulations too.

How To Use The CHDK On Your Canon Point & Shoot Camera

These pictures are awesome:

And can you believe they were taken with a Canon digital point and shoot camera? Check out the rest of his pictures here.

Ok, the trick to being able to do photos like this is to download the Canon Hacker’s Development Kit. Lifehacker has a complete tutorial on how to install and use it.

Things you can do with the CHDK:

The current set of extra capabilities fall into six categories:

a. Enhanced ways of recording images – you can capture still pictures in RAW format (as well as JPEG), and for video images you can have increased recording time and length (1 hour or 2 GB), and a greatly increased range of compression options.
b. Additional data displays on the LCD screen – histogram, battery life indicator, depth of focus, and many more.
c. Additional photographic settings that are not available on the camera by itself – longer exposure times (up to 65 seconds), faster shutter speeds (1/25,000 sec, and faster in some cases), automatic bracketing of exposure, etc.
d. The ability for the camera to run programs (‘scripts’, written in a micro-version of the BASIC language) stored on the memory card – these programs allow you to set the camera to perform a sequence of operations under the control of the program. For example, a camera can be programmed to take multiple pictures for focus bracketing, or take a picture when it detects that something in the field of view moves or changes brightness.
e. The ability to take a picture, or start a program on the memory card, by sending a signal into the USB port – you can use the USB cable to take a picture remotely.
f. The ability to do a number of other more useful (and fun) things, such as act as a mini file browser for the memory card, let you play games on the LCD screen, etc.

Brain Dump Mondays: Congratulations!

Ok…I ate SO much for dinner that I’m literally too stuffed to think straight and make a real brain dump post so this is sort of a copout. Have you ever eaten so much it hurts? uhghgh. Never again. So anyways, this past weekend I went to my friend Andy’s graduation party from UCLA Law and it made me realize that a lot of people in my life deserve some sort of congratulations right now. So a tribute to some people in my life:

Congratulations Andy on graduating from UCLA law…that’s quite an accomplishment! Even though he has no plans on practicing law.

Congratulations Christine, my cousin, on getting into UCSB!! I really am so proud of her.

Congratulations Fong who just found out she got into UCLA’s very prestigious business school!

Congratulations to my little niece for celebrating her first birthday! I can’t wait to see her in a few months.

And lastly, congratulations to my good friend Cheryl who just got engaged!!! I have someone to talk wedding planning with :)

All pictures via someecards (the best ecard site ever)

New Features On Girlrobot

Not all new but I failed to mention them before so people who read my blog through an RSS reader might not have seen them:

1. Chat with me – on the sidebar there is a link if I’m logged into my gmail, it will display that I’m online and you can talk to me in real time! In fact, I just had a chat with reader Lori today and I’ve met a few other readers this way in the past. Fun!

2. Share This – I’ve finally fixed my Share This link so it’s not showing up twice and isn’t hard to read. You can now share any of my posts on a variety of bookmarking/social sites as well as emailing it to a friend. Very simple to use….try it!

3. Random post – I used to have this but somehow it disappeared. Now it’s back! Click on Random Post (found at the bottom of each post next to the Share This link) to be magically transported to a random post on girlrobot. ha ha.

In other news, I’ve started a new wedding blog called One Red String. I basically highlight the cool wedding posts/ideas I come across on the web. I realize that most girlrobot readers aren’t really interested in boring wedding stuff but if you are going to get married anytime in the future, check it out for some unique and fun ideas for your wedding! I post craft links, tips, and even hot deals related to weddings.

Lastly, I’d like your opinion on some possible future changes:

How many posts would you like to see a day on girlrobot?
1 – Dont change
2 or 3 would be perfect
As many as possible – Im really bored at work

That’s weird…I had 2 polls but the other one won’t show up. It was about Brain Dump Mondays and if I should continue them or not.

Any other suggestions or changes you’d like to see? Thanks!!!