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March 2009



Monday Brain Dump: State Of The Girlrobot 03/09

So I’ve decided on the first monday of every month I’ll be doing a state of the union address type of post in which I talk about how I’m feeling, what I’ve accomplished in the past month, and what I want to work on for next month. I thought it would be a good idea to log more about my life so that I have something to remember since I have the worst memory ever. I also find myself more accountable when I write about my goals for everyone to see.

The Past Month
I had a pretty exciting month. I had my bachelorette party in Costa Rica! The highlight was definitely ziplining and an experience I won’t soon forget. Here is a picture of me holding a huuuuge soursop at one of the markets:

Valentine’s Day this year was a lot of fun with our annual chinese lobster dinner at newport seafood and a day of random fun. And one of my favorite experiences this month was seeing Demetri Martin live. On the wedding front, we did prototypes of our wedding favors and I think they turned out really well. I can’t wait to show them to you guys! I also finally booked my makeup/hair person…Amy Tevis. I think that was the last item I needed to book for my wedding so it was a relief to have that done. We also picked a new first dance song and came up with a last minute “surprise” for our first dance! I hope people like it. :) We’ve also continued our search for a home, but haven’t found anything we truly liked. We have noticed prices going down though so are not in a hurry to buy anytime soon.

The Present:
As always, I’m generally very happy and content with my life. Work has been good, I got my annual raise and was satisfied with the amount. I’m really lucky that my department is not and has no plans of laying people off! Healthwise, I’ve still been experiencing weird chest pains. When I get up in the morning my chest is very tight right in the center. I think I’m going to finally go to the doctor about it this month. Last time I went to the doctor, she couldn’t find anything wrong but now I have a new doctor so hopefully I’ll get better answers.

The Next Month:
Don’t ask me why but I signed up to a do a 5K mud run with my friend, my cousin, and boyrobot. I literally have not done any physical activity for MONTHS now. I think I might have been temporarily delusional for the 5 minutes it took to sign up. I think I thought oooh, mud + obstacle course…this sounds fun! And then afterwards I was like wtf. 5K?! I can’t even run 1 mile. Well worse case, I will walk it ha ha. I have 1 month to “train” for it and I’m hopeful that it will get me exercising again. I actually ran/walked 5K this past Sunday!! For the wedding, I want to complete our wedding favors and start working on the slideshow and the wedding programs. Trip-wise, we are planning on going to Las Vegas with a bunch of friends for the first weekend of March Madness. It should be fun!! March is also one of my favorite months because we have corned beef and cabbage day at work for St. Patrick’s day. I don’t really know why but I look forward to this EVERY year. My coworker brings her crockpot into work and has it cooking all morning and it smells sooo good in our office! Everyone also brings in something “green” to contribute. Last year I made a green sherbert punch. It was a hit so maybe I will do it again since it’s so easy unless I come up with something else. :) Can’t wait for this month!!