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November 2006



Free Services For Your Cellphone

The NY Times just printed up a helpful article about free services for your cellphone, many I didn’t even know about! Here is a quick rundown of the services.

1. An alternative to calling 411 is the number 800-FREE-411 (800-373-3411). The only catch to this free service is having to listen to a 20 second ad. Sounds good to me!

2. You can also text 46645 (googl) for loads of free information including directory assistance, weather, stock quotes, movies, driving directions, etc. Click here to see how to use this option.

3. A similar service to google’s is 800-555-TELL (800-555-8355) but is operated by a recorded voice. The service is free because it’s run by TellMe Networks which uses this to showcase their voice recognition technology.

4. You can call internationally for free by dialing a number in Iowa first (712-858-8883). Press 1 for english then punch in 011, the country code, and the phone number. In some countries this might only work for landlines and not cellphones though. I did a little research on this and it does seem to work for some people, but others suggested another free international calling website called This works for more countries than just china and seems to be going over much better.

5. YouMail lets you customize your voicemail greeting for everyone you know. It’s free for now but does not seem to work for Sprint customers.

6. Price Comparisons – Dial 888-363-7822 plug in the bar code on the package and you will be provided with the prices from 3 sample online stores.

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Comment from pokebot
Posted: November 28, 2006 at 1:50 pm

again, i love your blog!

Comment from Automated Blog Posting
Posted: January 3, 2007 at 3:53 am

This is great!

Comment from Automated Blog Posting
Posted: January 7, 2007 at 11:31 pm

This is a great blog!