Brain Dump Monday: Things I Will Do When I Buy A House
This weekend I went house shopping again. We probably won’t seriously start looking to actually buy until the beginning of next year but it’s good to see what type of houses are available and what type of house we can afford. It is encouraging to see many houses have dropped as much as 100K in the area we are looking at. I only hope it drops more by the time we will buy!! From what I have read/heard, it is a strong possibility.
Anyways, all of this house buying business gets me so excited about the things I will do in my future house. I just can’t wait to have a place all my own…to decorate and use as I please!!!!! Here are the things I am looking forward to:
– growing plants…mainly herbs and who knows, maybe I will try my hand at something floral. I’ve had this link bookmarked forever about growing arugula in your kitchen. I love how it can be used as a salad green (love my salads!) or as an herb. It’s supposed to be SUPER easy to grow as well. I would also love to have some home grown basil in my kitchen!
-dinner parties. Every once in awhile I get in the mood to to do some major cooking. I have a huge backlog of recipes that I have been meaning to cook. I can’t wait to have my very own kitchen fully stocked with the best kitchen gadgets and high end pots and pans. I’ve refrained from spending too much on my kitchen stuff while being in college and living in apts since I’ve always had limited storage.
-having a general hangout spot. Boyrobot and I love hanging out with our friends. We will always have an open door policy with all of our friends. One of our main goals in buying a house is having a room soley known as “the game room”! We imagine it having a nice table where we can play our many boardgames or poker and a sweet LCD hanging on the wall to watch our many movies. I am also on the goal to find the most comfortable couch in the world. Tell me if you sit in one!
– throwing themed parties. I love themed parties! Well mostly food themed parties hehe. My old roommate threw a make your own pizza and make your own taco party that was really fun. We’ve also had a successful crawfish boil and dip party. My sister just told me about her frito chili party (everyone gets a bag of frito chilis and she supplies a variety of toppings and you eat everything out of the bag!).
– buying a bike and biking to the beach regularly. Right now I don’t really want to buy a bike because I have nowhere to store it and no bike rack in case I need to move it. But every once in awhile me and boyrobot go to his brother’s house and I borrow his sister-in-law’s bike and we bike to the beach and just layout on the grass (there is a grassy area at the beach! I hate sand haha). It’s so fun and relaxing and I feel like I’m getting such good exercise when I bike. I can’t wait to be able to do this on a regular basis with my OWN bike!
Ok I have many more things I’m excited about but this is getting long enough! AHHH can’t wait!
Posted: 27 October, 2008 in Personal.
Comment from che
Posted: October 27, 2008 at 9:02 am
aah i wish i was in the market to buy another house that i can settle in :) my mom has been bugging me to buy another one now that the prices have dropped and we will be expanding the family… unfortunately we need another car and selling/renting my house right now doesnt seem like it would be easy to do.